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Adventures of Robinson Crusoe | Turkish Full Movie (English Subtitles) Celebrating the 15th anniversary of his fall on a deserted island, Robinson Crusoe and Friday's loneliness and hardship hit the ceiling, while a ship approaching the island's coast disrupts all its routines! Viktor chooses the duo's island to escape from the corrupt world, with the animals he filled on his alien ship named Viktor, and with his two daughters, one for adoption and one for self! Robinson and Friday guests will be welcome to the island, and their monotonous life will also be very colorful! Cartoonist Gürcan Yurt from Robinson Crusoe & Cuma, 17 years of humor series. It is the first production that brings the story of the movie duo with actors such as Serhat Kılıç, John Nyambi, and Beyti Engin to the cinema. #فيلمتركي #TurkishMovie #subtitlesMovie