Le Monde dans tous ses états est consacré à la situation en Éthiopie, où il y a un mois, le chef du gouvernement, Abiy Ahmed, a envoyé l’armée à l’assaut de la province séparatiste
Le Premier ministre éthiopien a annoncé samedi que l'armée avait pris le "contrôle" de Mekele, la capitale régionale du Tigré, désignée comme l'offensive ultime de cette opération
Plusieurs roquettes, tirées depuis la région éthiopienne dissidente du Tigré, ont touché la capitale de l'Érythrée frontalière, Asmara, samedi, une escalade importante qui renforce
L'Ethiopie organisera le 5 juin 2021 ses élections législatives et régionales, a annoncé vendredi sur Facebook la Commission électorale éthiopienne (NEBE), qui avait repoussé pour
Debretsion Gebremichael, presidente de la región de Tigray, en el norte de Etiopía habla de la participación de Eritrea al conflicto.
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El primer ministro etíope Abiy Ahmed anunció "el control total" de Mekele, la capital de la región norteña de Tigray y confirmó el cese de la operación militar. Sin embargo, el Fre
Privés de cours en présentiel et d'interactions sociales depuis des mois, les étudiants sont durement affectés par la pandémie de Covid-19 et beaucoup accusent le coup.La crise san
Depuis mi-septembre, le ministère de l’Intérieur a ouvert l’ANEF, un nouveau service de demande en ligne de titre de séjour pour les étudiants étrangers en France. Si le site simpl
In tonight's edition: As South Africa's president vows to win the battle against coronavirus we speak to the country's top epidemiologist about the importance of an equitable respo
#Brussels and #London were putting the final touches to a Christmas Eve trade #deal Thursday, seeking to cushion the economic blow of Britain's imminent departure from the bloc aft
The European Union has bought up to 300 million extra #Covid-19 #vaccine doses from US firm #Moderna, European Commission chief Ursula von der #Leyen said on Wednesday. The new dea
The European Union recommended Tuesday that all 27 member countries should discourage all nonessential travel to and from the United Kingdom until further notice.
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In tonight's edition: There are growing international calls for Eritrean troops rumoured to be supporting federal troops in the Ethiopian region of Tigray to withdraw as fighting c
The European Union has called on the Ethiopian government to lift the communications blackout on the Northern Tigray region, as EU Commissioner Janez Lenari visited the Umm Rakouba
Twisting Ethiopia's arm... The European Union delays almost 90 million euros in funds over the Tigray conflict. The money will only be given if the federal government meet the EU's
Denmark hopes the EU can reach a last-minute compromise on fishing in UK waters, as the prospect of a no-deal Brexit scenario looms large. Kenn Skau Fischer, CEO of the Danish Fish
The EU parliament on Wednesday adopted a contentious reform of Europe's asylum policies that will harden border procedures and force all the bloc's 27 nations to share responsibili
The EU parliament on Wednesday adopted a contentious reform of Europe's asylum policies that will harden border procedures and force all the bloc's 27 nations to share responsibili
The European Commission has asked Belgian authorities to inspect production at a plant in Belgium that makes the #AstraZeneca #coronavirus #vaccine, where problems have led to a la
The #EU's Fundamental Rights Agency has issued a report calling for policymakers to consider new guidelines to accompany the spread of artificial intelligence technology. Among oth
The EU on Wednesday presented a proposal to boost ammunition production in Europe to replace depleted stocks as it arms Ukraine in its war against Russia. The European Commission p
We discussed earlier this week the politicisation of the Covid vaccines. How the jabs to stop the pandemic had become in many ways a geopolitical tool. The row between the EU and v
The European Commission's contract with #AstraZeneca to supply #Covid-19 vaccines includes #Britain along with the #EU as places where the Anglo-Swedish drugmaker should make its b
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Les titres de l'actualité:
➡️ Bélarus : une nouvelle centrale nucléaire suscite l'inquiétude aux por
La farmacéutica estadounidense Cephalon y la israelí Teva acordaron retrasar "durante varios años" la puesta a la venta de un medicamento genérico barato para tratar trastornos del
El mundo se prepara para afrontar una vacunación masiva e histórica contra el coronavirus en un momento en el que la enfermedad golpea duramente extensas zonas del planeta. Mientra
Réunis en conseil européen extraordinaire pour valider une aide 50 milliards d'euros à l'Ukraine, les 27 sont interpellés par les agriculteurs, inquiets de l'accumulation des norme
The European Space Agency (ESA) launched its first new astronaut recruitment campaign in 11 years on Tuesday – with applications opening on March 31. French astronaut Thomas Pesque