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Our guest is Vandana Shiva, a world-
The uncertainty of Covid closures is a "disaster for seasonal workers."
Alisa Valentin of the Hôtel de la Valentin in the French resort of Les Deux-Alpes hopes that on January 2
The three Baltic states on Saturday cut ties with Russia's power grid to join the European Union's network, the culmination of a years-long process that gained urgency with Moscow'
French President Emmanuel #Macron tested #positive for #Covid-19 Thursday, following a week when he has met with numerous European leaders. The French and Spanish prime ministers a
In #Italy, more than 100,000 people working in the north have returned to their native villages in the south because of the #Covid-19 pandemic. They are continuing to work for thei
Wealthy countries were quick to snatch up #Covid-19 #vaccines from Western companies, leaving low-income ones to look elsewhere. Enter #China and India. Both countries are racing t
0:00 Two girls cut their clothes into an outfit for a special occasion
4:32 Crazy toothpaste hair DYE
7:58 Suit with muscles from women's tights
11:31 Cool Way to Co
DIY projects, cool gadgets, and Science Experiments you'll enjoy
So many wooden pallets get thrown away every day because there's no use for them. People use the
Oddly satisfying and relaxing slime hacks you’ll adore
Slime is one of the best and most relaxing gadgets you’ll find. At first, the goop looks very unappealing, but once you
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One year ago, Ethiopia appointed its
International aid teams have rushed to Turkey in the wake of the devastating twin earthquakes that flattened towns and cities in the country’s south as well as in neighbouring Syri
#Indian authorities on Thursday began drilling inside a tunnel in the #Himalayas in an attempt to #rescue more than 35 workers trapped there after a flash flood that destroyed dams
Anti-government protests triggered by accusations of a rigged election have gripped Georgia for days, with riot police using water cannon and tear gas to hold back demonstrators. N
#Myanmar's ruling general signalled waning patience Thursday with nationwide #protests over the military's takeover, ordering demonstrators to return to work or face "effective act
Nastya asks to play dad, but he works. He has an idea of how to amuse Nastya.
#toys #настя #play
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The zinc #
Hi girls! Are you tired of spending hours on your beauty routine? Do you want to look your best without breaking the bank? In this video, we'll show you these beauty hacks that eve
The internet has an abundance of lifehacks readily available for anyone seeking to make life easier. You can find some of the craziest ones on TikTok, and I wanted to give some of
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Making a treehouse from scratch using things everyone can easily find.
Ok folks, today we decided t
In the Paris suburb of Ivry-sur-Seine, ten youngsters who regularly practice a sport were chosen to join the "awakened athletes" programme. After five weeks of coaching and a cours
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Images of
In an interview with FRANCE 24, renowned economist and policy analyst Jeffrey Sachs calls for a new American foreign policy that no longer strives to dominate the Middle East. "We’
فكك من البعد السبب يا برنس...بس قول ان فيه متسبناش نحتاس ! ربنى معاك
الدحاح لازم يكون اجتماعي :
Fun ideas to blow your mind
We face all sorts of annoying problems in our beauty routine. But most of the time, we do nothing about it. Well, in this video, I sh
Life-changing beauty DIYs that will save you time and money
After a hard day at work, it’s nice to relax and have a good pampering routine. Our skin gets damaged
Hilarious prank ideas you can try on anyone
There’s no better feeling than the satisfaction of successfully pranking someone. Whether this is your best friend, y