Music video by Halsey performing Strangers (Vevo Presents). 2017
On Thursday, June 1, at the MacArthur in L.A., Halsey gave the first full performance of the songs from her new
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Music video by Halsey performing Walls Could Talk (Vevo Presents). 2017
On Thursday, June 1, at the MacArthur in
Voilà 15 ans qu'ils s'opposent et bloquent tout progrès dans la cause palestinienne. Le Hamas qui contrôle la bande Gaza - et le Fatah au pouvoir en Cisjordanie via l'Autorité Pale
Il y aura un avant et un après 7 octobre 2023. L'attaque menée par le Hamas a fait au moins 900 morts selon les médias israéliens et plus de 2300 blessés israéliens. Le Hamas détie
Dernière ligne droite aux États-Unis, où les électeurs ont jusqu’à mardi pour décider qui de Kamala Harris ou de Donald Trump ira à la Maison Blanche. L’incertitude est totale. Or,
Dans quelques jours, la région de Kalbajar, près du Haut-Karabakh, doit revenir sous le contrôle de l'Azerbaïdjan. Mais cette perspective a poussé la population arménienne à l’exod
Alors que l'Azerbaïdjan doit reprendre le contrôle du Haut-Karabakh dimanche, des habitants de villages ont mis le feu à leurs maisons samedi, avant leur fuite vers l'Arménie, selo
Le Sénégal, secoué depuis plusieurs jours par le report controversé de l'élection présidentielle, s'enfonce dans la crise. Plusieurs manifestations ont éclaté vendredi après-midi d
Les légendes sur les maisons hantées sont apparues tôt dans la littérature. Des auteurs de l'époque romaine comme Plaute, Pline le Jeune et Lucien de Samosate ont écrit des histoir
Hopeful Spaniards have queued outside for hours to buy tickets for what is considered the world's largest lottery. The El Gordo Christmas jackpot, held each year on December 22, is
À dix jours de la fin du mandat de Donald Trump, les États-Unis ont désigné dimanche le mouvement yéménite houthi comme organisation terroriste. Une annonce, qui est "susceptible d
Britain and the European Union agreed terms of a trade deal on Thursday after months of knife-edge negotiations and seven days before transitional arrangements come to an end. That
How to Make a Berry Cake
For the new year I wanted to make a healthier cake, so I whipped up this honey yogurt cake, which is so dreamy in my book… It’s sweetened with honey and
How to Make a Burrata Pizza
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My mother stopped by for a baby visit so of course we made a special treat to share! This
This fun French martini cocktail has a wonderful balance of flavors thanks to pineapple juice, black raspberry liquor and of course vodka; they all combine for a smooth, sweet and
How to Make a Lavender Cake
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I decided to make a tea infused cake but instead of leaving it there I had to add a bit o
You’ll love treating yourself to this citrusy lemon drop cocktail; it goes down smooth but it packs quite a punch so sip with care! Make sure to use fresh lemon juice for this drin
How to Make a Smash Cake
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What could be more exciting than a first birthday? Two first birthdays!! My twins turned one an
How to Make a Spice Cake
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This moist and fluffy cake has ALL your favorite fall spices and a dash of molasses for an extra
How to Make an Easy Tiramisu
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I love tiramisu because it has all of my favorite things in one package: coffee, brandy,
OREO CAKE!!!!!! I love cookies and I love cake but it never occured to me to put them together until a very special birthday request for an Oreo Cake! Cookies and Cream cakes are s
How to Make Carrot Cake
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This delicious carrot cake is almost too easy to believe and my gosh is it good! The ba
How to Make Dulce de Leche Cake
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Brown butter vanilla cake covered in silky dulce del leche buttercream. This c
These delicate and delicious little French butter cakes called Madeleines are light as air with a crisp edge and soft melt in your mouth crumb throughout. They're scallop-shaped de
How to Make Panzanella
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This salad is hearty enough to be a main course but ever so light and refreshing! Crunchy c
How to Make Seared Scallops
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Perfectly seared scallops on a delightful strawberry salad pared with creamy roasted ba
How to Make Stuffed Chicken
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My mom came by to hang out with the boys so of cours
How to Make the BEST Vanilla Cupcakes
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These vanilla cupcakes will blow your mind! I know this is a stro