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Alrighty fellow parents, are you ready to discover some life-saving tips that will change your routine? Find some fun ideas, craf
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Being a parent isn’t an easy
Armenian anger is mounting over the terms of the peace deal signed with Azerbaijan. Even so, FRANCE 24's international affairs editor Armen Georgian says Prime Minister Nikol Pashi
Gunmen opened fire Monday on people enjoying a last evening out in Vienna before a coronavirus lockdown, in a terror attack that authorities said left at least three dead — includi
Escalan las confrontaciones en el mar Rojo. La coalición de Estados Unidos y Reino Unido atacó 36 objetivos de los hutíes Yemen, que son apoyados por Irán. La Casa Blanca anunció q
#France is coming to terms with the fact that sexual assault and #rape cases are often known about but ignored. The situation at the prestigious #SciencesPo university has been und
In this edition, as we enter the holiday season - a time during which NGOs launch donation campaigns and people tend to ponder more on generosity - we look at how blockchain and cr
The ballot, in which right-wing parties won 33 of the 50 seats on the council, marked a sharp shift from a progressive majority that drafted a failed first constitutional rewrite.<
French authorities ordered the culling of all #minks in a farm after analysis showed a mutated version of the #coronavirus was circulating among the animals. The French government
The aftermath of the riot on Capitol Hill has left Donald Trump increasingly isolated, in both the political and financial spheres. Deutsche Bank is reportedly cutting ties with th
Children and their dad play active children's outdoor games. Family fun games for kids.
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Plus de 1.500 personnes ont été tuées dans le sud de la Turquie et en Syrie voisine par un puissant séisme de magnitude 7.8, suivi quelques heures plus tard par une très forte répl
Sunday's crunch elections in Germany are coming at perhaps the most pivotal moment since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Back then, it was about making a success of reunification. Now
Confluence advisory founding director Kholood Khair spoke to France 24 about the difficulty on escaping the conflict in Sudan. “Escape route are constrained not just by the fightin
Desde el conflicto entre Israel y Hamás en octubre pasado, los rebeldes hutíes de Yemen han atacado buques comerciales en el Mar Rojo en solidaridad con los palestinos. Estos ataqu
Los rebeldes hutíes lanzaron un misil balístico desde Yemen contra Tel Aviv que fue interceptado por Israel. En días pasados, los hutíes lanzaron otra ofensiva contra el estado heb
Hey, the best parents in the world! Are your children getting bored too quickly? It seems you have already used all the activities for them and don't know how to entertain your lit
#Indian authorities on Thursday began drilling inside a tunnel in the #Himalayas in an attempt to #rescue more than 35 workers trapped there after a flash flood that destroyed dams
The first direct commercial flight between Israel and Morocco took off from Tel Aviv on Tuesday, in a symbolic trip after the countries reached a US-brokered deal to normalise ties
Italy is cracking down on holiday rentals by banning remote check-in, instead insisting landlords will have to handover the keys in person in order to check the identity of the ten
À la Une de ce journal de l'Afrique, la libération du journaliste français Olivier Dubois, détenu depuis 711 jours au Mali. Il a atterri à Niamey, ce lundi. Le sourire aux lèvres,
Le Paris Saint-Germain s’est qualifié mardi soir pour les quarts de finale de la Ligue des champions en battant Liverpool à Anfield, au bout du suspense.
#Ligue des champions
A 10 jours de l'investiture de Donald Trump, alors que des quartiers entiers de Los Angeles brulent, pour le président la priorité semble ailleurs. Il voit grand et veut s’appropri
The destructive Los Angeles fires have led to the loss of creative neighbourhoods and artworks, with many artists who have seen their homes and artworks destroyed. FRANCE 24's Shar
Nigeria's statistical agency on January 9 said it will add illegal and hidden economic activities while calculating the GDP of an African powerhouse where corruption and black mark
From the East Coast to the West, thousands across the US are rallying in protests against Trump. In a movement called "50 protests in 50 states," Wednesday saw demonstrations natio
Two explosions hit cities in Ethiopia's Amhara state, which neighbours the northern state of Tigray where federal troops are fighting local forces, and the human rights commission
Russian forces unleashed a barrage of missile and drone strikes against targets in eastern and southern Ukraine early Friday, striking critical infrastructure in Kharkiv, Ukraine's