A violent mob loyal to President Donald #Trump stormed the #US Capitol on Wednesday and forced lawmakers into hiding, in a stunning attempt to overturn America’s presidential elect
Is it all just a bit of political theater by Trump loyalists or is it a coup attempt? Welcome to a special edition as we cover what is up to now always been a ceremonial formality.
Il n'avait jamais fait aussi froid en Suède : - 43,6 degrés. C'est la température la plus basse enregistrée en 25 ans pour un mois de janvier. Cette vague de froid est en train de
Verónica Arias, directora ejecutiva de la Coalición de las Américas Frente al Cambio Climático, habló con France 24 sobre el quinto aniversario del Acuerdo de París, señalando que
Vladimir Poutine a attribué par décret le statut de "ville-héros" de la "Grande Guerre Patriotique" aux villes ukrainiennes de Marioupol et Melitopol, envahies par son armée et ann
Des millions de Hongkongais peuvent à partir de ce dimanche demander de nouveaux visas leur permettant de demeurer plus longtemps en Grande-Bretagne puis de prétendre à la naturali
Vitão, Feid - 7 Chamadas - an exclusive live performance for Vevo DSCVR ARTISTS TO WATCH 2020, an annual series highlighting those that are shaping the future of music.
Scroll t
The internet has an abundance of lifehacks readily available for anyone seeking to make life easier. You can find some of the craziest ones on TikTok, and I wanted to give some of
Has Narendra Modi met his match? For nearly a month, farmers have dug in for a fight over a reform bill that upends the subsidy system at the core of a sector that still employs mo
From Donald #Trump becoming the first U.S. president to be impeached twice ahead of Inauguration Day and the suspicions surrounding an Internet shutdown for elections in #Uganda to
مقاس الصينية المستخدمة ٢٢ سم
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لمتابعة "الدحيح"
بكم يا تسلا وأنا أشتريك؟
مصادر الدحيح:
Elon Musk, How the Billionaire CEO of SpaceX & Tesla
لمتابعة "الدحيح"
أكل العيش مُر
مصادر الدحيح:
Lab Rats: Why Modern Work Makes People Miserable, Dan Lyons
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