Deux militaires français ont été tués samedi au Mali, a annoncé la présidence de la République. Leur véhicule blindé a été atteint par un engin explosif dans la région de Ménaka. I
Diana and Roma pretend to play school. At a break, children do not want to eat healthy food and eat fast food. But this is not healthy food for children. Diana has a stomach ache.
Diana shakes the kitten in a stroller, but the kitten does not want to sleep. The girl calls the doctor. Dr. Roma tells how to foster a kitten.
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Diana and Roma pretend to play with Multi-color building block for kids. This building blocks toys offers tremendous possibilities for children to develop skill, broaden imaginatio
The incredible Shankar Mahadevan joins the Berklee Indian Ensemble in an exciting new version of “Dil Chahta Hai” featuring 112 artists from 21 countries. Presented by Berklee Indi
Reuters is reporting that Saudi Arabia plans to invite Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to May's Arab League summit in Riyadh. Such an invitation would formally end Syria's regiona
DIY Potato Bites
My mom used to make an "Irish" dinner every few weeks when I was growing up. In our house it was one of those popular with the family dinners like pizza night.
Notre planète, possède un seul satellite naturel appelés la Lune, hors de nombreuses planètes de notre système solaire possède aussi des Lunes.
Dans cet exposé vous sont décr
En l'absence de son satellite, la Terre aurait été une planète beaucoup moins accueillante pour la vie. La Lune permet en effet de stabiliser l'axe de rotation de la Terre et donc
En quelques décennies, la conquête de l'espace a permis ainsi d'extraordinaires avancées technologiques.
Les astronautes américains ont marché sur la Lune, des télescopes et d
Une nébuleuse est un nuage interstellaire de gaz et de poussières. Les nébuleuses brillantes rayonnent la lumière du gaz qui les composent (nébuleuse à émission) ou reflètent la lu
New Horizons est une mission de l'agence spatiale américaine (NASA) dont l'objectif principal est d'étudier la planète naine Pluton et ses satellites grâce à une sonde spatiale qui
VEVO EXCLUSIVE: Dr Dre gives Corey Hawkins some pointers on the set of Straight Outta Compton
Now playing in US Theatres. Releasing in UK Cinemas on 28th August and in Australia
Drined Lives (Kanalizasyon) | Turkish Full Movie (English Subtitles)
This production, starring Okan Bayülgen, is the rise story of a television player. This production, in which
Le drame de Crépol et la mort de Thomas ravive la thèse de deux France irréconciliables. L'extrême droite est accusée de récupération et de galvaniser les militants d'ultradroite,
How i draw a sprite bottle (3d realistic drawing format)
Material in description :
I wanted to draw a sprite bottle with a little realistic effect (3d)
so we have the
Dans un entretien accordé à France 24, Eddie Komboïgo, candidat à la présidentielle du 22 novembre au Burkina Faso, accuse le chef de l’État sortant, Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, d’
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#Ethiopia's military killed 42 people allegedly among those responsible for massacring more than 100 civilians in a troubled western part of the country, local officials said Thurs
#Ethiopia's government said on Tuesday its troops had achieved significant victories on the eastern and western fronts of its war against the leaders of #Tigray and its army was ma
The number of people who have fled into Sudan from the #conflict in northern #Ethiopia has risen to at least 20,000, the U.N. #refugee agency and local officials said on Sunday. FR
#Ethiopia is offering a 10 million birr ($260,000) #reward to anyone with information on the location of fugitive leaders of the rebellious force in the northern region of #Tigray,
#Ethiopia’s prime minister on Tuesday declared “the final and crucial” military operation will launch in the coming days against the government of the country’s rebellious #Tigray
#Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's government said on Monday it had captured another town in the northern #Tigray region after nearly two weeks of fighting in a conflict alread
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy #Ahmed's government said on Tuesday that many Tigrayan militia and special forces were surrendering in line with an #ultimatum before a threatened off
#Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy #Ahmed on Sunday gave the leaders of a dissident northern region 72 hours to surrender ahead of a threatened all-out assault on #Tigray's capital, M
#Brussels and #London were putting the final touches to a Christmas Eve trade #deal Thursday, seeking to cushion the economic blow of Britain's imminent departure from the bloc aft
The European Commission has asked Belgian authorities to inspect production at a plant in Belgium that makes the #AstraZeneca #coronavirus #vaccine, where problems have led to a la