La variante de coronavirus circulant dans une partie du territoire britannique fait réagir plusieurs pays européens. La France, les Pays-Bas, la Belgique, l'Allemagne, l'Irlande, e
A Black man beaten up by several French #police officers said he is seeking justice after the publication of videos showing officers repeatedly punching him, using a truncheon and
Uno de los últimos en informarlo fue Francia. El primer ministro Jean Castex confirmó la suspensión del tránsito de personas con Reino Unido por las próximas 48 horas, a partir de
Un accord arraché de dernière minute par Justin Trudeau qui offre un "répit dans la guerre commerciale". Les États-Unis ont suspendu l'imposition de droits de douane à l'encontre d
Une grande partie de l'Europe a suspendu le 21 décembre ses liaisons avec le Royaume-Uni en raison des craintes que suscite une nouvelle souche du coronavirus, ce qui complique enc
French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin on Thursday ordered the suspension of police officers involved in a brutal beating of a music producer in a Paris studio over the weekend.
El Gobierno de Sudáfrica suspendió el uso de la vacuna contra el Covid-19 de Oxford-AstraZeneca en su programa de vacunación, después de que estudios demostraran que proporcionaba
Genius camping and traveling hacks every adventurer should know
Do you have anything planned for the summer? August is the month to relax. You can go for a swim,
Incredible gardening hacks and fantastic ideas everybody should try this autumn.
Gardening is a very therapeutic and affordable hobby. Planting and then slowly
#Boeing Co said it recommended suspending the use of 777 jets with the same type of engine that shed debris over Denver at the weekend after #US regulators announced extra inspecti
Douze jours après le Brexit, qui a apporté son lot de nouvelles contraintes administratives, les fournisseurs français de poissons et fruits de mer suspendent leurs commandes en pr
Chocolate Strawberry Cake
This is probably my favorite chocolate cake ever! It's one of those batters where
Au sommaire : après deux semaines de blocage, les agriculteurs suspendent la plupart de leurs blocages en France, suite aux annonces de Gabriel Attal. Nous revenons aussi sur le di
A #Paris court on Monday found French former President Nicolas #Sarkozy guilty of #corruption and influence peddling and sentenced him to one year in #prison and a two-year suspend
Larry King, the suspenders-sporting everyman whose broadcast interviews with world leaders, movie stars and ordinary Joes helped define American conversation for a half-century, di
Lemon Poppy Seed Pound Cake
Full Recipe:
This pound cake is beyond addictive, which is really dangerous when a recipe
Vladimir Putin admitted Saturday Russian air defence was working when an Azerbaijani Airlines plane tried to land in Grozny before crashing, breaking the Kremlin's silence as specu
Judges found former president Nicolas #Sarkozy #guilty of trying to bribe a judge and of influence-peddling on Monday and sentenced him to three years in jail, with two years suspe
FRANCE 24 correspondent Herve Amoric says trucks are being turned around systematically at the UK port of Dover, after France suspended trade and travel between the two countries f
Several countries have imposed restrictions on travel with the UK, in a bid to stop the spread of a new strain of coronavirus that is up to 70% more infectious. On Monday, Poland a