A la Une de la presse, lundi 2 décembre, les tentatives de Bachar al-Assad d’obtenir le soutien de ses alliés après la prise d’Alep par une coalition de groupes rebelles dominée pa
Canada’s Justin Trudeau announced on Monday that he intends to step down as leader of the ruling Liberals, ending his nine-year spell as the country’s prime minister. He said he wi
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his resignation on Monday, saying he will leave office as soon as the ruling Liberal party chooses a new leader after months of slu
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his resignation Monday after nearly a decade in power, bowing to rising discontent over his leadership and growing turmoil within h
#Armenia's prime minister accused top military officers on Thursday of attempting a coup after they demanded he step down, adding fuel to months of protests calling for his resigna
A crowd of Armenian protesters forced their way into a government building in the capital #Yerevan on Monday to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol #Pashinyan, the RIA n
Le Premier ministre canadien Justin Trudeau a annoncé lundi sa démission, tout en précisant qu’il resterait en fonction jusqu’à la désignation de son successeur par son parti. Aprè
Un accord de cessez le feu entre le Hamas et Israël a été trouvé mais il ne fait pas l'unanimité au sein du gouvernement israélien. Qu'annonce t'il pour la population, pour le Hama
Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced the resignation of his government on Friday, accepting responsibility for years of mismanagement of childcare subsidies, which wrongfully drove
A la Une de la presse, ce jeudi 4 février, la désignation, hier, par le président de la République italienne, Sergio Mattarella, de l’ex- patron de la BCE Mario Draghi, pour former
Smack in the middle of a pandemic comes a culture war, with the first shot fired by Emmanuel Macron's own government. Some 600 French academics have signed an open letter calling f
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his resignation on Monday, saying he will leave office as soon as the ruling Liberal party chooses a new leader after months of slu
Au lendemain de l’investiture du Colonel Assimi Goïta comme président par intérim du Mali, et de la désignation d’un Premier ministre pour la période de transition, l'Info Éco s'in