Kyaw Moe Tun a réclamé, vendredi lors d'un discours très remarqué à l'ONU, la fin immédiate du coup d'État militaire en Birmanie. Des trémolos dans la voix, l'ambassadeur rebelle a
Le porte-parole du gouvernement du Burkina Faso a confirmé lundi 23 janvier que Ouagadougou avait demandé le départ des troupes françaises basées dans le pays dans un délai d'un mo
Le 23 janvier, Ouagadougou a demandé le départ des troupes françaises. Selon Louis Magloire Keumayou, journaliste, président du Club de l’information africaine, invité de France 24
La Chine et le Honduras ont établi dimanche des relations diplomatiques. Un revers régional pour Taïwan qui perd encore un allié et dénonce les "coercitions et intimidations" de Pé
La junte militaire au pouvoir au Niger a mis fin à un accord militaire autorisant la présence des membres du personnel militaire et civil du département américain de la Défense sur
IN THE PRESS – Thursday, February 4, 2021: India's government lashes out at foreign celebrities for weighing in on the ongoing farmers' protests. They don't mention Rihanna by name
A French court on Wednesday convicted 14 people of crimes ranging from financing terrorism to membership of a criminal gang in relation to Islamist attacks in 2015 against the #Cha
A Black man beaten up by several French #police officers said he is seeking justice after the publication of videos showing officers repeatedly punching him, using a truncheon and
French President Emmanuel Macron was slapped in the face by a man on Tuesday during a visit to a small town in southeastern France, an incident that prompted a wide show of support
In Ethiopia, leaders from the Tigray region currently at war with the federal governement say a university has been targeted in military airstrikes. The head of a South African pan
Russia unleashed a new wave of missile strikes on energy infrastructure across Ukraine on Friday, causing emergency power outages for millions of people and prompting new calls by
The Academic - Acting My Age. An exclusive performance for Vevo DSCVR, the channel for the best in new music.
The Academic is a reminder of Ireland’s creative power. The quarte
The Academic - Anything Could Happen. An exclusive performance for Vevo DSCVR, the channel for the best in new music.
The Academic is a reminder of Ireland’s creative power. Th
"It's as if humanity was attacked by aliens and many people sided with the aliens," argues The Independent's Borzou Daragahi.
In The World This Week's look back at 2020, The Dai
FRANCE 24 correspondent Herve Amoric says trucks are being turned around systematically at the UK port of Dover, after France suspended trade and travel between the two countries f