?Over 100,000 residents have been evacuated due to at least five separate wildfires in the Los Angeles area, including one in the heart of historic Hollywood. At least five people
En la primera edición del año de Una Semana en El Mundo analizamos el convulso panorama internacional con el que empezamos 2025. En Venezuela, tras horas de incertidumbre y ante el
En Bolivia, una sorpresiva escasez de dólares, que la oposición atribuye a falta de reservas del Banco Central y el Gobierno a la especulación, podría ser el primer síntoma de una
Reino Unido experimenta una ola de huelgas en una escala no vista desde la década de 1980 bajo la entonces primera ministra Margaret Thatcher. El precio de la calefacción se tripli
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"People no
Heavy fighting escalated this week between Armenian and Azerbaijan forces over the disputed separatist region of Nagorno-Karabakh. On Friday, global leaders renewed calls for a cea
In an interview with FRANCE 24, Armenia's Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan talks about the reignited conflict in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. Pashinyan accuses Turkey of
He has come to reaffirm ties with his closest allies so will Joe Biden be drawn into a sausage war? The US president's first foreign tour beginning with Britain, host of Friday's G
Avec le naufrage de l'ancien porte-avions français "planifié et contrôlé" par la marine brésilienne, plusieurs ONG accusent le Brésil d'avoir commis un "crime environnemental". Sel
Le Focus du jour est consacré à la ville américaine de Baltimore. À la charnière entre le nord et le sud des États-Unis, elle concentre bon nombre des lignes de fracture sociale qu
Charles Blé Goudé, ancien ministre ministre ivoirien de la Jeunesse sous #LaurentGbagbo, a accordé un entretien à France 24 depuis #La Haye, alors que les juges de la CPI viennent
L'annonce de Kemal Kilicdaroglu pourrait influencer l'électorat turc à moins d'un mois de l'élection présidentielle : le principal rival du président Erdogan a revendiqué son appar
Le président français s'est exprimé au terme de la première journée du Sommet pour l'action sur l'intelligence artificielle organisé au Grand Palais et à l'Élysée.
En savoir plu
Moctar Ouane, Premier ministre de la transition du Mali, a accordé un entretien exclusif à RFI et France 24, depuis Bamako. Le Premier ministre a annoncé la mise en place "rapide"
France 24 s’est entretenu avec l’opposant haïtien Youri Latortue, alors que Port-au-Prince est balayée par une puissante vague de contestation contre le président Jovenel Moïse. De
El candidato del Partido Colorado, Santiago Peña, ofreció su primer discurso como presidente electo, al confirmarse los resultados de las elecciones presidenciales en Paraguay. De
Gulshan Kumar & T-Series presents Bhushan Kumar's "O Jaanwaale" full audio song, sung by Akhil Sachdeva, Featuring Akhil Sachdeva & Himanshi Khurana in the video. The music of this
Gulshan Kumar & T-Series presents Bhushan Kumar's "O Jaanwaale", sung by Akhil Sachdeva, Featuring Akhil Sachdeva & Himanshi Khurana in the video. The music of this romantic track
It took just one tweet from #Rihanna to anger the Indian government and supporters of Prime Minister Narendra #Modi's party. The pop star linked a news article in a tweet drawing a
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Cool Decoration tricks and other incredible crafts to help you pass the time
Are you also stuck at home and have no idea what to do? Don’t worry, we’ve got you c
Relaxing slime hacks and other DIYs you must try when you’re bored
Slime is the ultimate anti-stress goop, and even though it’s been around for a long time, it f
Amazing party hacks, tips, and tricks that will give you ideas for your next gathering
Alright, folks, before all of us head back to the office and some others b
Tasty desserts that will impress your guests
Since summer is still here, it’s vital to experiment with new refreshing recipes. Who doesn’t love a good gathering
Unbelievable banana tricks you’ve never seen before
Did you know that banana plants aren’t trees but a type of herb? Well, apart from the nutrients, bananas have
Tips and tricks every parent will be thankful for.
Being a parent isn’t an easy task, and most of the time, parents come across more problems than they can solve. Well, to help
Cool ideas with slime and other gadgets to help you relieve stress
Slime is one of the most relaxing things to play with when you’re feeling stressed and you wan
Incredible hacks that will save the day. Let’s face it, folks, we go through little problems and mishaps without realizing that we can make our lives ten times easier with just a f