From the East Coast to the West, thousands across the US are rallying in protests against Trump. In a movement called "50 protests in 50 states," Wednesday saw demonstrations natio
A crowd of Armenian protesters forced their way into a government building in the capital #Yerevan on Monday to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol #Pashinyan, the RIA n
Protests against a curfew to curb the spread of Covid-19 in the Netherlands degenerated into clashes with police and looting in cities across the country Sunday, authorities and re
Georgia’s new President Mikheil Kavelashvili signed a series of legislative amendments, a day after he was inaugurated in a ceremony that took place behind closed doors. The amendm
Des dizaines de milliers d’agriculteurs se sont installées aux portes de la capitale indienne, New Delhi, pour protester contre les réformes qui libéralisent les marchés agricoles.
Anti-government protests triggered by accusations of a rigged election have gripped Georgia for days, with riot police using water cannon and tear gas to hold back demonstrators. N
Anti-#coup #protesters on Thursday took to the streets of #Myanmar for a sixth consecutive day, after US President Joe Biden announced sanctions against the Southeast Asian nation'
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#Myanmar's ruling general signalled waning patience Thursday with nationwide #protests over the military's takeover, ordering demonstrators to return to work or face "effective act
A sombre Buddhist #funeral song rung out in #Myanmar's capital as the body of a young woman, struck down during a rally against this month's military coup, was carried to a ceremon
Myanmar cut internet service and deployed troops around the country on Monday in signs of a feared crackdown on anti-coup protests, hours after security forces fired in order to di
Opponents of #Myanmar's military #coup called for more big protests on Wednesday to show that the army's assertion of widespread public support for overthrowing elected leader Aung
Thousands of opponents of Myanmar's military coup gathered again on Sunday in towns from north to south, undeterred by the bloodiest episode of their campaign the previous day when
Huge crowds thronged cities around #Myanmar to demand the return of ousted leader Aung San Suu #Kyi on Friday for a seventh straight day of protests, after Washington announced san
Myanmar police opened fire on protesters on Sunday killing at least four people and wounding several in the bloodiest day of weeks of demonstrations across the country against a mi
Thousands of Sudanese protesters took to the streets of the capital Khartoum and its twin city Omdurman on Saturday, demanding an acceleration of reforms on the second anniversary
First there was a coup, then Myanmar's military banned protests... And yet. And yet a new generation of pro-democracy protesters is returning to the streets. In fact, their numbers
Des centaines de manifestants ont défilé dans les rues en réaction à la situation à Goma. Certains se sont rassemblés devant des ambassades pour protester contre l'inertie de la co
Depuis plusieurs jours, des milliers de manifestants se rassemblent à Tbilissi et dans d'autres villes géorgiennes pour protester contre le report par le parti "Rêve géorgien" au p
Plusieurs dizaines de manifestants se sont rassemblés à Tunis pour réclamer la libération des opposants et protester contre la politique du président Kais Saied, au 14e anniversair
L'Algérie a rappelé mercredi 8 février «pour consultations» son ambassadeur en France pour protester contre «l'exfiltration illégale» via la Tunisie de la militante franco-algérien
Des manifestants se rassemblent devant le parlement marocain à Rabat et dans plusieurs villes du pays pour protester contre la flambée des prix des denrées alimentaires, répondant
Protesters threw bottles at police, set fire to containers and smashed up shops in Barcelona on Saturday in a fifth night of clashes after a rapper was jailed for glorifying terror
Aux cris de "libérez Aung San Suu Kyi!", les manifestants sont à nouveau descendus mardi 9 février dans les rues de #Rangoun pour protester contre le coup d'Etat militaire du 1er f
En Israël, des milliers de manifestants se sont rassemblés à Jérusalem, Haïfa et Tel Aviv pour protester contre la réforme de la justice, brandissant des pancartes contre la dictat
House Speaker Nancy #Pelosi says #Congress’ certification of President-elect Joe #Biden’s election win will show the world it won’t back down. Pelosi made her comments as the House
Des dizaines de milliers de musulmans ont manifesté le 30 octobre au Pakistan, au Bangladesh ou encore dans les territoires palestiniens pour protester contre les déclarations d'Em
A police raid on a shipyard in Myanmar's second-largest city turned violent on Saturday when authorities fired live rounds at protesters gathering to stop arrests, killing two peop