From the East Coast to the West, thousands across the US are rallying in protests against Trump. In a movement called "50 protests in 50 states," Wednesday saw demonstrations natio
Protesters started gathering across #Myanmar's largest city of #Yangon on Tuesday, defying warnings from the #military threatening "action" against large gatherings.
In Ethiopia, leaders from the Tigray region currently at war with the federal governement say a university has been targeted in military airstrikes. The head of a South African pan
IN THE PRESS – Thursday, February 4, 2021: India's government lashes out at foreign celebrities for weighing in on the ongoing farmers' protests. They don't mention Rihanna by name
It took just one tweet from #Rihanna to anger the Indian government and supporters of Prime Minister Narendra #Modi's party. The pop star linked a news article in a tweet drawing a
Des milliers d'Israéliens ont protesté samedi à Tel-Aviv contre le gouvernement de l'État hébreu, accusé de ne pas agir suffisamment pour libérer les otages retenus à Gaza. Le Prem
Thousands of critics of a proposed security law that would restrict sharing images of police officers in France gathered across the country in protest Saturday, with the country s
Organizaciones sociales rechazaron este martes 11 de noviembre la llegada a Argentina de una nueva misión del Fondo Monetario Internacional para renegociar los términos de una deud
A crowd of Armenian protesters forced their way into a government building in the capital #Yerevan on Monday to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol #Pashinyan, the RIA n
En varias ciudades de Brasil, miles de personas salieron a manifestarse en contra del presidente Jair Bolsonaro, pues consideran que el ultraderechista ha hecho una mala gestión de
The sound of vehicle horns and pans being struck were heard around #Myanmar's biggest city #Yangon on Tuesday in #protest at a military #coup that ousted Aung San Suu Kyi's elected
Rassemblant enseignants, infirmières scolaires, lycéens et étudiants, des manifestations sont prévues mardi 26 janvier à Paris et dans plusieurs villes de France, ainsi qu'un mouve
In tonight's edition: Hundreds of Congolese women march in protest against the international community, whom they accuse of hypocrisy over its response to deepening conflict in the
A police raid on a shipyard in Myanmar's second-largest city turned violent on Saturday when authorities fired live rounds at protesters gathering to stop arrests, killing two peop
A police raid on a shipyard in Myanmar's second-largest city turned violent on Saturday when authorities fired live rounds at protesters gathering to stop arrests, killing two peop
A police raid on a shipyard in Myanmar's second-largest city turned violent on Saturday when authorities fired live rounds at protesters gathering to stop arrests, killing two peop
Protests against a curfew to curb the spread of Covid-19 in the Netherlands degenerated into clashes with police and looting in cities across the country Sunday, authorities and re
Washington D. C. se encuentra en estado de alerta y ha desplegado un fuerte dispositivo policial de cara al llamado a protestas de seguidores del mandatario saliente Donald Trump e
Para las autoridades, el refuerzo de las medidas de seguridad podría haber actuado como un elemento disuasorio para los grupos de extrema derecha que habían convocado a movilizacio
France's President Emmanuel Macron faces more nationwide protests on Monday as he seeks to steer the country on from a divisive pension law that has sparked anger, pan-bashing and
Al menos 35 personas fueron arrestadas, 26 de ellas en París y el resto en otras ciudades que se unieron a las manifestaciones. A nivel nacional, las protestas congregaron a 32.770
#Farmers have staged #protests at supermarkets and distribution centres in parts of #France, as they try to secure better prices for their produce. Their representatives are in tal
Georgia’s new President Mikheil Kavelashvili signed a series of legislative amendments, a day after he was inaugurated in a ceremony that took place behind closed doors. The amendm
Police in #Georgia stormed the headquarters of the country’s main #opposition party and arrested its leader on Tuesday. The arrest of Nika #Melia, head of the United National Movem
Dans les rues de la capitale géorgienne Tbilissi, des milliers de manifestants pro-UE sont descendus manifester pour la troisième fois consécutive contre le gouvernement et sa déci
Cientos de manifestantes salieron a las calles y se tomaron el Congreso de Guatemala. Quemaron varias oficinas y esto obligó a los funcionarios a desalojar el edificio. La tensión
Police detained more than 450 people at rallies in Siberia and Russia's Far East on Sunday as supporters of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny took to the streets for a second straight
Police in Myanmar launched their most sweeping crackdown in three weeks of nationwide protests against military rule on Saturday, arresting hundreds of people and shooting and woun