El país sigue figurando como el más afectado por la pandemia, con más de 27 millones de casos confirmados y 480 mil fallecidos, pero también se ha convertido en la nación líder en
L'actuel président des États-Unis s'exprime le 6 janvier devant ses partisans à Washington où il dit ne pas vouloir céder la victoire à Joe Biden, élu démocratiquement en décembre
Notre envoyé spécial à Des Moines, dans l'Iowa, détaille les estimations donnant Donald Trump vainqueur de la première étape des primaires républicaines.
#DonaldTrump #Iowa #P
Donald Trump a prédit mardi "le chaos dans le pays" si la justice américaine ne renonçait pas aux poursuites à son encontre pour tentative d'inverser illégalement les résultats de
À la veille du "Super Tuesday" où 15 États organisent simultanément leurs primaires pour la présidentielle de novembre, la Cour suprême américaine a unanimement annulé une décision
C'est une avancée majeure pour le mouvement contre la peine capitale. La #Virginie va devenir le premier État sudiste des #États-Unis à supprimer la peine de mort. C'est dans cet É
Grâce au vote de la Californie, Joe Biden a franchi lundi la barre des 270 grands électeurs nécessaires pour devenir le prochain président des États-Unis. Le démocrate doit s'expri
Joe Biden est officiellement candidat à sa réélection en 2024. S'il est réélu, il achèvera son second mandat à un âge inédit de 86 ans. Sa promesse : finir le travail et combattre
#Ethiopia’s prime minister on Tuesday declared “the final and crucial” military operation will launch in the coming days against the government of the country’s rebellious #Tigray
#Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's government said on Monday it had captured another town in the northern #Tigray region after nearly two weeks of fighting in a conflict alread
#Ethiopia's prime minister is rejecting growing international consensus for dialogue and a hatl to deadly #fighting in the #Tigray region as 'unwelcome', saying his country will ha
#Ethiopia's prime minister said on Thursday the army has been ordered to move on the embattled #Tigray regional capital after his 72-hour #ultimatum for Tigray leaders to surrender
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy #Ahmed's government said on Tuesday that many Tigrayan militia and special forces were surrendering in line with an #ultimatum before a threatened off
Forces in Ethiopia’s restive Tigray region say they will continue to fight, just hours after Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed declared military operations in the region were ove
In recent weeks, the northern #Tigray region of #Ethiopia has become a bloody battlefield. Nobel Peace Prize-winning Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has launched a military offensive in
#Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy #Ahmed on Sunday gave the leaders of a dissident northern region 72 hours to surrender ahead of a threatened all-out assault on #Tigray's capital, M
#Tigray has been the theater of fighting since early November 2020, when Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced military operations against the Tigray People's Liberation Fr
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed again ruled out dialogue with the leaders of the defiant #Tigray region Friday but said he was willing to speak to representatives "operating le
In Ethiopia, while the government has declared fighting in the northern Tigray region over, the Tigray People's Liberation Front has declared it is still at war. Prime Minister Abi
Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has refused to have dialogue with the TPLF after meeting with peace envoys from the African Union. Meanwhile there is increasingly concern over
Ethiopia’s prime minister has reshuffled top security officials as the military offensive against rebels in the northern Tigray region escalates. Abiy Ahmed has defied calls from t
Tundu Lissu, principal opposant Tanzanien, s'exprime sur France24, depuis son exil à Bruxelles. Arrivé deuxième à la présidentielle, Il dénonce les résultats de l'élection et la vi
El primer ministro etíope Abiy Ahmed anunció "el control total" de Mekele, la capital de la región norteña de Tigray y confirmó el cese de la operación militar. Sin embargo, el Fre
Etienne Tshisekedi, opposant historique au régime de Joseph Kabila en RD Congo, s'exprime dans un entretien à France 24, et annonce sa candidature à la prochaine élection président
French Prime Minister Jean Castex said on Thursday that the coronavirus situation in France remained fragile but that for the moment there was no need for a new national lockdown.<
France must apologise to end a dispute over over what Rome considers insulting remarks, including some over its handling of immigration, Italy's foreign minister said on Friday, wh
#France will strengthen #border controls and bring forward its night curfew by two hours to 6 p.m. as it tries to slow the spread of #coronavirus infections, Prime Minister Jean Ca
IN THE PRESS – Tuesday, February 9, 2021: With Donald Trump's second impeachment trial set to begin in the US Senate, we look at contrasting reactions from Republicans. Meanwhile i