Roma and Diana were playing. But suddenly flies appeared and disturbed them. Roma and Diana came up with how to get rid of pesky flies.
Diana Builds Playhouse for the Minion.
How to take food and snacks anywhere without anyone catching you
You know the feeling - when you want to walk into the cinema or any other entertainment establishment, and you d
Tove Lo - Sweetalk My Heart (Studio Performance)
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L’Ukraine est entrée dans sa deuxième année de guerre face à un envahisseur, la Russie, bien décidé à imposer sa loi et son récit des événements : une opération visant seulement à
Info ou intox s’intéresse à une courte vidéo qui circule sur les réseaux sociaux et prétend montrer un robot combattant qui aurait été fabriqué par l’entreprise américaine Boston D
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Vitão, Feid - 7 Chamadas - an exclusive live performance for Vevo DSCVR ARTISTS TO WATCH 2020, an annual series highlighting those that are shaping the future of music.
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Vlad and funny cases with Niki. Vlad and Niki pretend to play children stories.
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Vlad and Niki pretend play with toys for kids and ride on airplane. Children magic transform plane for kids
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Children's story about how kids want new toys and pretend play.
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Диана как мама для своих кукол. Девочка уложила кукол Беби Бон спать и охраняет их сон. Diana pretend play with toys Baby Born dolls.
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