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People in #France enjoyed indoor #dining and gyms for the first time in months on Wednesday, as the country relaxed coronavirus rules that will also see a #curfew pushed to 11:00 p
A Paris court was set Wednesday to issue its verdict in the #trial of 14 suspected accomplices of the Islamist gunmen who murdered some of #France's most famous cartoonists at sati
Daniel Tostado, #immigration lawyer, comments on the #controversial destruction of a camp of #refugees in the center of #Paris on November 23rd.
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Pressure on the French government and police leadership intensified Friday after the police #beating of a black music producer in Paris sparked #outrage across the spectrum, from t
France on Saturday said it was recalling its envoy to Turkey for consultations after comments by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan suggesting French counterpart Emmanuel Macro
Prosecutors on Tuesday sought stiff sentences from five years to life in jail for 14 suspected accomplices of the Islamist gunmen who murdered cartoonists and killed hostages at a
France will impose an earlier curfew in 15 northeastern and southeastern departments from Saturday to combat the spread of the coronavirus, starting at 6pm instead of 8pm, the gove
French authorities will swoop down Thursday on dozens of mosques and prayer halls suspected of radical teachings as part of a crackdown on Islamist extremists following a spate of
#France’s lower house of parliament is voting Tuesday on a #bill that would strengthen government oversight of mosques and religious schools and crack down on polygamy and forced m
France must apologise to end a dispute over over what Rome considers insulting remarks, including some over its handling of immigration, Italy's foreign minister said on Friday, wh
President Recep Tayyip #Erdogan criticised his French counterpart Emmanuel #Macron's proposal to defend his country's secular #values against radical Islam as an "open provocation.
La Turquie a annoncé le 28 octobre qu'elle allait prendre des mesures "judiciaires et diplomatiques" après la publication par l'hebdomadaire satirique français Charlie Hebdo d'une
It is no longer labeled a law against religious separatism and you will not find in it the words "radical Islam". But as Emmanuel Macron's justice minister openly states, it is abu
A #Paris court on Monday found French former President Nicolas #Sarkozy guilty of #corruption and influence peddling and sentenced him to one year in #prison and a two-year suspend
This week, we're happily ensconced at a Parisian café terrace, as we celebrate the partial reopening of the country's bars and restaurants! The French are rekindling what is a long
France's President Emmanuel Macron faces more nationwide protests on Monday as he seeks to steer the country on from a divisive pension law that has sparked anger, pan-bashing and
Like various other countries over the past year or so, France has seen mass protests against police brutality. Now, authorities have begun a review of the police in a bid to improv
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Disponible 24h/24 et 7j/7 sur le canal 27 de la TNT, sur les box, et sur tous les écrans numériques, la chaîne TV d’infor
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Disponible 24h/24 et 7j/7 sur le canal 27 de la TNT, sur les box, et sur tous les écrans numériques, la chaîne TV d’infor
En Francia las autoridades realizaron 45.400 controles durante la noche del 31 de diciembre e impusieron 6.650 multas por no respetar el toque de queda nocturno impuesto, como medi
En Francia se ha abierto la caja de pandora de un tema que hasta ahora suscitaba bastante tabú: el incesto. La chispa ha sido un libro publicado por la jurista Camille Kouchner, hi
Emmanuel Macron y Angela Merkel reafirmaron el viernes su apoyo a la estrategia de vacunas de la UE, que centralizaba los pedidos de los laboratorios farmacéuticos para los países
Al menos 35 personas fueron arrestadas, 26 de ellas en París y el resto en otras ciudades que se unieron a las manifestaciones. A nivel nacional, las protestas congregaron a 32.770
Après une salve de roquettes tirées par le Hezbollah contre Israël cette nuit et alors que l'Iran vient de s'emparer d'un navire lié à l'État hébreu près du détroit d'Ormuz, David
La ville ukrainienne de Dnipro subissait, le 14 janvier, l’une des frappes les plus meurtrières depuis l’invasion russe du 24 février 2022, faisant au moins 45 morts, dont six enfa
Les intérêts américains et britanniques sont devenus des "cibles légitimes" pour les Houthis après les frappes des États-Unis et du Royaume-Uni au Yémen, ont déclaré vendredi ces r