El Banco Mundial ya había anticipado la caída de una quinta parte de las remesas en los países receptores, por cuenta de la crisis ocasionada por la pandemia. Sin embargo, las tran
Unleash your imagination with our cardboard crafting hacks! From practical organizers to adorable decor pieces, discover endless possibilities in our latest 5-Minute Crafts tutoria
Relatable pregnancy moments
Pregnancy is such a magical time for all future moms. But it some with some inconveniences. To help you out, we show you some smart tips and tricks
Défense et sécurité nationale font-elle bon ménage avec les entreprises ? Le service public et les opérateurs privés coopèrent désormais plus étroitement, l’État acceptant de plus
Alors que les Sud-Coréens se rendent aux urnes pour les élections législatives, la dégradation des relations avec la Corée du Nord est au cœur des préoccupations. La petite île sud
En Corée du Sud, l'arrestation du président déchu Yoon Suk-Yeol pourrait avoir lieu ce jeudi 2 janvier, selon l'agence de presse sud-coréenne Yonhap. Mais ses partisans campent dev
The flypast had to be scaled down due to weather conditions.
#KingCharlesIII #flypast #coronation
Ce mardi, l'Europe s'indignait du sort réservé à Alexeï Navalny, dissident russe condamné à Moscou à 3 ans et demi de prison. 24 heures plus tard, le ton n'est déjà plus le même. I
Dans l'actualité cette semaine, le rythme des contaminations au coronavirus repart à la hausse en France et en Espagne où les Barcelonais sont appelés à rester chez eux. En Afrique
Sitôt passé le #confinement, les cas de #coronavirus sont repartis à la hausse dans plusieurs pays. Chine d'abord, puis Iran, Inde, États-Unis et maintenant Australie et Espagne, l
#Germany's total #coronavirus cases topped two million on Friday, as Chancellor Angela Merkel pushed for a "significant" tightening of #restrictions to slow the infection rate. FRA
European Union leaders moved closer on Thursday to an agreement on certificates showing that citizens have been vaccinated against #Covid-19, a move that could revive international
French Health Minister Olivier Veran said at a news conference that it was too soon to ease up on #coronavirus containment measures and said that the isolation period for positive
French authorities ordered the culling of all #minks in a farm after analysis showed a mutated version of the #coronavirus was circulating among the animals. The French government
The French Ministry of Health said Tuesday that 1.987 million people had received a first injection of #Covid-19 #vaccine since the start of the vaccination campaign, while 366,733
Locked down for the past three weeks, the French department of #Mayotte has been hit by a second #Covid-19 wave due in particular to the spread of the South African variant.
Over 6 million more people living in #France are now being invited to get vaccinated against #Covid-19, as the govt widens those eligible for shots to cover the over 75 this Monday
A new #coronavirus #variant discovered by South African scientists is fuelling a surge of infections nationwide and raising global concern. Here is what we know about the situation
As many as one million people could be plunged into #poverty by the #pandemic. Charities have also been impacted. Here is a closer look at the economic damage wrought by the corona
#France said Tuesday it was preparing to kick off a nationwide #Covid #vaccination campaign in January when it hopes virus shots will be approved and available. The government is w
French Prime Minister Jean #Castex said on Thursday that the #Covid-19 situation is very "worrying" in 20 French departments and that stricter limits on movement will be enforced i
#France has begun imposing tough new #border restrictions, banning all but essential travel from outside the #EU and tightening #Covid-19 testing requirements on travellers from wi
French President Emmanuel #Macron tested #positive for #Covid-19 Thursday, following a week when he has met with numerous European leaders. The French and Spanish prime ministers a
New confirmed #coronavirus infections over the past 24 hours in #France jumped to 13,713 on Tuesday, from 3,411 on Monday and 8,083 last Tuesday, health ministry data showed. Frenc
#France's Health Ministry has asked regional health agencies and #hospitals to enter "#crisis organisation" to prepare for a possible surge in #coronavirus cases as a result of hig
Jean Castex is not expected to announce any new measure on Thursday evening, on the other hand there will be no lifting of any restriction either. The second lockdown will last, at
The French government admitted on Wednesday that current restrictions designed to contain the spread of #coronavirus were not enough, raising the prospect of a third nationwide #lo
#Israel's initial #vaccination rollout appears to be unfolding successfully, with some two million citizens having received the first of two required injections of the Pfizer-BioNT