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À Jérusalem, alors que des heurts ont fait plus de 200 blessés depuis vendredi, des fidèles palestiniens se sont à nouveau rassemblés sur l’esplanade des Mosquées à l’occasion de l
French authorities will swoop down Thursday on dozens of mosques and prayer halls suspected of radical teachings as part of a crackdown on Islamist extremists following a spate of
Mosquitoes prevent children from sleeping. A funny story about how Vlad and Niki protect a house from insects.
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We tested these viral gadgets from social media, and here’s what happened.
Even though October is here and we’re getting closer and closer to Halloween, it seems
If Mumbai is a city, Bombay is an emotion, then Bambai is...? Check it out yourself! #BambaiMainKaBa song out now!
A collaboration between two old friends, actor Manoj Bajpaye
En janvier dernier, le Premier ministre Narendra Modi a inauguré un vaste temple hindou, dédié au dieu Rama, sur ce qui est considéré par les hindous comme son lieu de naissance. L
A bill that would strengthen oversite of mosques, schools and sports clubs to rid #France of radical Islamists and ensure respect for French values — and is one of President Emmanu
#France’s lower house of parliament is voting Tuesday on a #bill that would strengthen government oversight of mosques and religious schools and crack down on polygamy and forced m
Alors que le mois du Ramadan se termine, France 24 vous propose de découvrir la ville sainte musulmane de Harar en Ethiopie. Cette cité compte 83 mosquées, dont trois datent du Xèm
French Muslim leaders recently approved a "charter of principles", a text which outlines Islam's compatibility with the French Republic and provides a framework for the training of
Israël intensifie ses frappes dans un regain de tensions avant une potentielle offensive terrestre. Dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, l'armée israélienne a frappé une mosquée de J
From Morocco to Pakistan, leaders have called out Emmanuel Macron for his defense of the right to blaspheme, Gulf States even launching a boycott of French products. They say the p
Des réfugiés syriens ont fait la queue à la frontière turque mercredi 11 décembre pour rentrer chez eux, portés par l'espoir d'une vie meilleure, après que les rebelles ont renvers
Why Were They Killed | Turkish Full Movie (English Subtitles)
Why was Hacivat Karagöz Killed? Watch Beyazıt Öztürk Turkish Comedy Movie Full Movie. Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2p9
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