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Etiquette expert Marie de Tilly gives Fre
If you're asked to name a French #wine, #Bordeaux is usually the first that springs to mind. Wines from the region around the southwestern French metropolis are famous for their co
L'alliance historique de la France et des États-Unis ressemble à une drôle d’amitié, faite à la fois d’admiration et d’agacement. En dépit de hauts et de bas, la coopération milita
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It’s a fundamental part of living in
The holiday season is upon us! Christmas is a big deal in France, a traditionally Catholic country. But this year, things are a little particular: the ongoing pandemic has replaced
The old cliché goes that the French have a questionable relationship with hygiene. And yet they're also famous for their vibrant perfume culture. So where does the negative stereot