Aunque ni Rusia ni Corea del Norte han negado ni aceptado que hay soldados norcoreanos en el frente de batalla de Kursk, tanto el Ejército ucraniano como el presidente Volodímir Ze
FRANCE 24's correspondent to Ukraine Gulliver Cragg says the Ukrainians are losing ground to the Russians everyday in Bakhmut. 'The fear is that the Russians have received the orde
A lethal attack on anti-coup protesters in Myanmar sparked fresh UN condemnation of the country’s new military regime on Sunday, as mourners held a funeral for a young woman who ha
The US military has cut troop levels in Afghanistan and Iraq to 2,500 each, their lowest levels in the nearly two decades since the wars began, the Pentagon announced Friday.
Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, recognised by the US and several nations as president-elect, urged the military on Sunday to acknowledge him as commander-in-
Ukraine said on Monday that Russian forces were "very far" from capturing the eastern town of Bakhmut and that fighting raged around the city administration building where the Wagn
It has been billed as a generational battle. Africa's gaze turning to Uganda and the tense homestretch to Thursday's presidential election. 38-year old pop star-cum-opposition lead
#Ethiopia's military is fighting battle-hardened troops in the northern #Tigray region, threatening stability around the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia, #Eritrea, #Sudan... Who are the f
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1. Paint balling
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