AL SEHAM AL MARKA 02 Merge - مسلسل السهام المارقة - الحلقة الثانية
Vêtus d’une combinaison jaune, les chercheurs du Centre international de recherches médicales de Franceville (CIRMF), au Gabon, traquent les animaux sauvages dans la forêt tropical
Pendant deux jours, les célèbres plages de la Gold Coast australienne ont été submergées par d’épaisses quantités d'écume de mer. Une "invasion" due à des conditions météorologique
En Estados Unidos, el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional emitió una advertencia de una situación especialmente peligrosa en zonas de Los Ángeles ante la reintensificación de los vient
India has approved the COVID-19 vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University, paving the way for a huge immunisation campaign in the world's second most populous country.
Gros plan sur le marché africain de l’armement. Un marché qui intéresse de plus en plus les pays émergents. Après la Chine et la Russie, l’Inde, premier importateur mondial d'armes
A partir del 1 de enero, se amplía la organización intergubernamental de los BRICS. Nueve países se suman como miembros a esta unión alternativa, impulsada por Brasil, Rusia, India
Discover a world of indispensable knowledge with our new video!
Russia's gas transit to Europe via Ukraine stopped on Wednesday, Moscow and Kyiv said, ending a decades-long arrangement and marking the latest casualty of the war between the neig
Brilliant tips and tricks for urgent situations
Today, I give you some cool and unexpected tricks that will help you save time with some DIY solutions to everyd
Le Golfe de Guinée est le nouveau repaire des pirates en mer, et les navires n'hésitent plus à employer des équipes de sécurité privées pour se défendre. En Turquie, Hasankeyf, vil
Dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo, la crise humanitaire s'aggrave selon l'ONU. À Goma, les personnels de santé travaillent nuit et jours pour tenter de faire face à
In tonight's edition: As tensions continue to spiral over the rebel conflict in eastern DR Congo, the country's leader and his Rwandan counterpart, who's accused of pulling the str
South Korea's President Yoon Suk Yeol on Tuesday declared emergency martial law, accusing the opposition of being "anti-state forces intent on overthrowing the regime" amid parliam
Incredible DIY crafts you can make with plastic bottles
Each household throws out at least three plastic containers every day (plastic bottles included). And tha
Incredible life hacks nobody has seen in a video
Everyone with some experience will tell you “You live and learn”–and while doing so, you find out some amazing t
Brilliant survival hacks and tricks you need to know this summer
Whether you’re going camping this summer or the beach to enjoy your holidays, there are some vit
Beautiful clothing ideas to look gorgeous on any occasion
Not all the clothes we own are in perfect state. Some are too stained, worn-out, or just too sentimenta
Incredible gardening hacks and fantastic ideas everybody should try this autumn.
Gardening is a very therapeutic and affordable hobby. Planting and then slowly
Crazy Cooking and kitchen life hacks for future chefs
Alright, future chefs. It’s a no-brainer that a good cook needs to be creative. But one of the biggest trap
Incredible food ideas and hacks everyone will adore
Even though we all love spending time in the kitchen preparing and eating food; we certainly don’t enjoy all
Dans le quartier d'Al-Awali au sud-est de la Mecque, des rues sont totalement submergées. C'est le résultat des fortes pluies qui se sont abattues sur le pays.
#arabiesaoudite #
Anger across Armenia has crystallised in the last 24 hours in the wake of a Nagorno-Karabakh peace deal widely seen as a capitulation to Azerbaijan.
FRANCE 24's Luke Shrago, i
We’ve all been there: nasty sweat stains that ruin our look, being caught in the middle of business while in the restroom, and having lipstick on our teeth. So, today I’ll show you
Varios países de Centroamérica viven una doble emergencia. Por un lado, la pandemia del Covid-19 no da tregua con cientos de víctimas y contagiados diariamente. A esto se suman las
Change It Up | Watch Full Turkish movie (English Subtitles)
The events that displace women and men living in town become the beginning of a comedy. Now the women are the head of
Clara x Sofia - Em Par An exclusive at-home performance for Vevo DSCVR, the channel for the best in new music.
Nestled below the tropical Espinhaço Mountain range lies Belo Hor
Durante los últimos tres días, las históricas nevadas en el estado de Texas, Estados Unidos, han dejado un paisaje blanco a su paso, con gélidas temperaturas y frío extremo, que de