Des milliers de partisans de Donald Trump ont manifesté samedi à Washington, proclamant la victoire du président sortant, malgré l'absence de preuves accréditant la thèse de fraude
Une manifestation antiraciste a rassemblé des milliers d'Américains, vendredi, à Washington. Aux côtés du fils et de la petite-fille de Martin Luther King, des membres de la famill
Des centaines de manifestants favorables au président Donald Trump ont envahi le Capitole à Washington dans un climat insurrectionnel, interrompant la session du Congrès qui devait
Le Congrès américain doit certifier le 6 janvier la victoire de Joe Biden à la présidentielle alors que des milliers de partisans de Donald Trump sont attendus dans le centre de Wa
Une semaine avant la fin de son mandat, Donald Trump faisait face mercredi 13 janvier à un deuxième "impeachment" pour avoir encouragé l'assaut contre le Capitole qui a fait cinq m
Menacé d'inculpation dans le cadre d'une affaire de paiement de 130 000 dollars à une actrice de films X, Stormy Daniels, avec qui il aurait eu une liaison, Donald Trump a nié tout
L'investiture de Joe Biden en tant que 46e président des États-Unis aura lieu mercredi 20 janvier à Washington. Un important dispositif de sécurité est en train d'être déployé dans
Le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky pourrait se rendre à Washington mercredi, où il rencontrerait son homologue américain Joe Biden avant d'effectuer une visite au Congrès, s
Washington, capitale fédérale des États-Unis en état de siège. Depuis que la garde nationale et toutes les forces de police du district de Columbia ont été mobilisées, la vie autou
L'investiture de Joe Biden en tant que 46e président des États-Unis aura lieu mercredi 20 janvier à Washington. Un important dispositif de sécurité est en train d'être déployé dans
#Ethiopia's government said on Tuesday its troops had achieved significant victories on the eastern and western fronts of its war against the leaders of #Tigray and its army was ma
The number of people who have fled into Sudan from the #conflict in northern #Ethiopia has risen to at least 20,000, the U.N. #refugee agency and local officials said on Sunday. FR
The number of people who have fled into Sudan from the conflict in northern #Ethiopia has risen to at least 20,000, the UN #refugee agency and local officials said on Sunday. The h
#Ethiopia’s prime minister on Tuesday declared “the final and crucial” military operation will launch in the coming days against the government of the country’s rebellious #Tigray
As fighting continues "in many parts" of Ethiopia's Tigra, according to the United Nations, Tigray's regional president Debretsion Gebremichael told FRANCE 24 that the northern reg
Forces in Ethiopia’s restive Tigray region say they will continue to fight, just hours after Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed declared military operations in the region were ove
In recent weeks, the northern #Tigray region of #Ethiopia has become a bloody battlefield. Nobel Peace Prize-winning Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has launched a military offensive in
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed again ruled out dialogue with the leaders of the defiant #Tigray region Friday but said he was willing to speak to representatives "operating le
The European Union recommended Tuesday that all 27 member countries should discourage all nonessential travel to and from the United Kingdom until further notice.
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Denmark hopes the EU can reach a last-minute compromise on fishing in UK waters, as the prospect of a no-deal Brexit scenario looms large. Kenn Skau Fischer, CEO of the Danish Fish
EU leaders are sounding the alarm over potential Russian interference in the upcoming European Parliamentary elections. They're warning that the Kremlin is using disinformation in
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The city of Raqqa in northern Syria
Nearly 2 million people in France have received a first injection of the Covid-19 vaccine so far, and over 350,000 have received their second shot, the health ministry said Tuesday
Murió el presentador de televisión Larry King a los 87 años luego de haber estado internado en el hospital por Covid-19. El periodista estadounidense es reconocido por sus entrevis
Presenting the lyrical video of the song "Fashion Ka Jalwa" from the Bollywood movie 'Fashion' featuring Priyanka Chopra & Kangna Ranawat. The song is sung by Sukhwinder Singh, Sat
As restaurants are declared closed until at least mid-January, we meet the top French chefs cooking up food for those in need during lockdown. We also delve into the mysterious wor
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Fighting raged in Sudan on Friday, despite rival forces agreeing to extend a truce aimed to stem nearly two weeks of warfare that has killed hundreds and caused widespread destruct