France-24 Füzulidən reportaj hazırlayıb
Kanalın əsas məqsədi dünyada və ölkədə baş verən ən vacib və maraqlı xəbərləri azərbaycan və rus dillərində geniş audit
Телеканал France-24 показал репортаж об освобожденном от армянской оккупации Физулинском районе Азербайджана. «Мы въехали в Физули, один из семи районов, окружающих Карабах», - гов
France must apologise to end a dispute over over what Rome considers insulting remarks, including some over its handling of immigration, Italy's foreign minister said on Friday, wh
En visite d’État au Maroc, Emmanuel Macron a été reçu avec faste par le roi Mohammed VI. Accompagné d'une délégation composée de responsables politiques, d'industriels et d'intelle
President Recep Tayyip #Erdogan criticised his French counterpart Emmanuel #Macron's proposal to defend his country's secular #values against radical Islam as an "open provocation.
La Turquie a annoncé le 28 octobre qu'elle allait prendre des mesures "judiciaires et diplomatiques" après la publication par l'hebdomadaire satirique français Charlie Hebdo d'une
Emmanuel Macron effectue la première visite d'Etat en Allemagne depuis 24 ans pour un président français. Reçu avec les honneurs à Berlin, il souhaite ouvrir un "nouveau chapitre"
En nommant Gabriel Attal à Matignon, Emmanuel Macron choisit de surprendre tout en restant dans sa zone de confort. Pour quelle orientation politique ? On va plus loin avec Patrici
Smack in the middle of a pandemic comes a culture war, with the first shot fired by Emmanuel Macron's own government. Some 600 French academics have signed an open letter calling f
France is known around the world for its gastronomy and love of food. In this week's show, we take a closer look at what's been called the food lover's bible: the Michelin Guide. A
This week, we're focusing on France's end-of-high-school diploma, the baccalaureate. Two school years of Covid-19 disruption have taken their toll on pupils all around the world. B
Film critic Lisa Nesselson takes us through the frontrunners for this year's #César awards in #France, despite the fact that many of them got very little screen time in cinemas las
A nightly curfew is failing to slow the spread of #coronavirus infections in #France and tighter curbs are under consideration, government spokesman Gabriel Attal said on Wednesday
The region around the northern French port of #Dunkirk will start enforcing a weekend #lockdown from this weekend to halt a spike in #Covid-19 infections, Health Minister Olivier V
It is no longer labeled a law against religious separatism and you will not find in it the words "radical Islam". But as Emmanuel Macron's justice minister openly states, it is abu
A #Paris court on Monday found French former President Nicolas #Sarkozy guilty of #corruption and influence peddling and sentenced him to one year in #prison and a two-year suspend
This week, we're happily ensconced at a Parisian café terrace, as we celebrate the partial reopening of the country's bars and restaurants! The French are rekindling what is a long
France's President Emmanuel Macron faces more nationwide protests on Monday as he seeks to steer the country on from a divisive pension law that has sparked anger, pan-bashing and
Like various other countries over the past year or so, France has seen mass protests against police brutality. Now, authorities have begun a review of the police in a bid to improv
The verdict is expected on Monday in a landmark #corruption and influence-peddling #trial that has put French former President Nicolas #Sarkozy at risk of a prison sentence if he i
Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy will go on trial on Monday charged with receiving millions of euros in illegal financing from Libya's late strongman Muammar Gaddafi for his
Ivory Coast is the latest country in West Africa to ask French troops to leave for good. It follows similar decisions by Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Senegal and Chad. We analyse Fra
#Summer #festivals will be able to go ahead in #France this year despite the enduring #Covid-19 crisis, but attendance will be capped at 5,000 people and the public must be seated,
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Disponible 24h/24 et 7j/7 sur le canal 27 de la TNT, sur les box, et sur tous les écrans numériques, la chaîne TV d’infor
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Disponible 24h/24 et 7j/7 sur le canal 27 de la TNT, sur les box, et sur tous les écrans numériques, la chaîne TV d’infor
La ciudad de Marsella, en el sur de Francia, segunda urbe más grande del país, aumentará el tiempo del toque de queda nocturno y a partir de este domingo la medida aplicará entre l
En Francia las autoridades realizaron 45.400 controles durante la noche del 31 de diciembre e impusieron 6.650 multas por no respetar el toque de queda nocturno impuesto, como medi