À défaut d'accord commercial sur la relation post-Brexit, Londres et Bruxelles se sont entendus le 13 décémbre pour relancer une nouvelle fois les négociations avant le couperet de
L'Union européenne et le Royaume-Uni ont conclu le 24 décembre un accord sur leurs relations commerciales post-Brexit, éloignant ainsi la perspective d'un divorce chaotique au term
A last minute hitch related to #fishing has delayed the agreement of a British-European Union trade deal, but an announcement is expected later on Thursday, Irish Foreign Minister
Negotiators from the European Union and Britain worked through the night and into Christmas Eve to put the finishing touches on a trade deal that should avert a chaotic economic br
Ninety-six percent of British #fishermen voted for #Brexit, saying they wanted to "get their waters back" and break away from the European Union’s Common Fisheries Policy, which th
Le magazine de géopolitique de France Info et de France 24 est consacré cette semaine au Royaume-Uni. Plus insulaire que jamais, confinement et Brexit obligent, le pays s’isole. To
Après un demi-siècle d'intégration européenne et quatre ans et demi d'une saga du Brexit aux multiples rebondissements, le Royaume-Uni vit jeudi ses dernières heures au rythme des
Après avoir parachevé sa rupture avec l'Union européenne, le Royaume-Uni ouvre vendredi un nouvelle page de son histoire pleine d'inconnues pour un pays profondément divisé et dure
The European Union and Britain will return to the negotiating table on Monday after agreeing to abandon a supposed make-or-break deadline for a post-#Brexit trade pact. FRANCE 24's
Angry businessmen in London are claiming Brexit is killing the shellfish industry, as lorries descended on Westminster to protest against the export problems they are now facing. E
As the UK and EU leaders hold last-ditch talks on a post-Brexit trade deal, the British government is looking towards other trading partners. Officials say they will suspend tariff
European Union and British negotiators inched their way to within touching distance of a trade #deal early Thursday, raising hopes a chaotic economic break between the two sides on
The United Kingdom and United States have signed a deal to extend cooperation on customs controls once the Brexit transition period ends. It could be a symbolic step towards a broa
Este sábado 28 de noviembre se reanudan las reuniones presenciales entre la Unión Europea y el Reino Unido para determinar cómo serán las relaciones comerciales a partir del primer
Este primero de febrero de 2020 se cumple un mes de la ruptura entre el Reino Unido y la Unión Europea y no se ha producido la debacle que auguraban los peores presagios, pero sí s
How to stop the Sahel from becoming France's Afghanistan? A G5 summit's taking stock of a recent troop surge that's netted wins against Isis-affiliated radicals in the three border
IN THE PRESS – Friday, 1 January, 2021: In this special edition we look at reactions to the UK's full departure from the EU as Brexit becomes a reality. Right-wing tabloid The Dail
The uncertainty of Covid closures is a "disaster for seasonal workers."
Alisa Valentin of the Hôtel de la Valentin in the French resort of Les Deux-Alpes hopes that on January 2
Dans la deuxième partie de notre émission consacrée à la Politique Agricole Commune (PAC), nous allons continuer à explorer ce qui se passe en dehors de l’UE en matière d’agricultu
For Michel Barnier, negotiating with the Tories will have seemed a breeze compared with his short stint as French prime minister. The EU’s former Brexit negotiator is on the cusp o
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Hop Dedik Deli Dumrul Full Movie. Subscribe to watch scenes from Fun Turkish Comedy Movies an
À Bamako, capitale du Mali, exit les rues Faidherbe, Brière de L'Isle ou encore Archinard, figures de l'administration coloniale française. Près de 25 lieux publics vont être rebap
David Bisbal nos regala, acompañado de su banda, esta fantástica versión en directo de su éxito "A Partir De Hoy", tema incluido en su nuevo álbum "En Tus Planes": https://umusices
David Bisbal nos regala, acompañado de su banda, esta fantástica versión en directo de su éxito "Bésame", tema incluido en su nuevo álbum "En Tus Planes": https://umusices.lnk.to/D
Luego de luchar junto a los franceses en la guerra de Indochina y los estadounidenses en la guerra de Vietnam, el pueblo Hmong se vio obligado a huir de Laos cuando los comunistas
If you're asked to name a French #wine, #Bordeaux is usually the first that springs to mind. Wines from the region around the southwestern French metropolis are famous for their co
Junto a Edgar Ortiz, experto en riesgo político y derecho constitucional, analizamos el perfil de las personas que votan a Nayib Bukele y el porqué de su éxito aplastante que deja
Denmark hopes the EU can reach a last-minute compromise on fishing in UK waters, as the prospect of a no-deal Brexit scenario looms large. Kenn Skau Fischer, CEO of the Danish Fish