These cupcakes take chocolate to the Nth degree. Topped with a delicate cloud of Italian meringue, they’re just about perfect.
Cupcake Batter:
3/4 cup unswe
How to Make Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake
This cake. I can’t. It’s not going to be left on the stand looking pretty for long. Also, why have I not made peanut butter frosting bef
How to Make Funfetti Cake
Click here for the full start to finish video with baking instructions:
Here's my completed a
How to make German Chocolate Cupcakes with a surprise center.
What could be better than German chocolate cupcakes? Filling them with a delicious bourbon chocolate ganache!
How to make Italian Buttercream
Full Recipe:
One of the most common questions I get on my blog is how do you make t
How to Make Lemon Cheesecake Bars
It’s basically REALLY HOT today so instead of turning the oven on I made these no bake lemon cheesecake bars! They’re a cool and refreshing for
How to Make Marble Bundt Cake
There are many things I like about making mini cakes but the top two are you can snack on one or two before serving and no one is the wiser and the
I couldn't make up my mind, but in this case that isn't a bad thing! I made these marbleized chocolate vanilla cupcakes and topped them with a two-tone buttercream then smothered t
How to Make Mexican Wedding Cookies | Polvorones
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How to Make no bake Chocolate Cheesecake Bars
These no bake chocolate cheesecake bars are the perfect dessert for a summer day.
1 package graham crackers
How to Make No Spread Sugar Cookies
Full Recipe:
I used to get SO FRUSTRATED by sugar cookies that turned into big blobs when baki
How to Make Stuffed Chicken
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My mom came by to hang out with the boys so of cours
How to make the BEST Brownie
Full Recipe:
Knowing how to poach a perfect egg with a firm white and soft golden yolk is so much easier than you think!
I love poached eggs for breakfast and brunch! So many people order
More than 200,000 protesters rallied in Munich, Germany, on Saturday against far-right extremism ahead of the country's general election. The far-right, anti-immigrant Alternative
Évoquant "une erreur judiciaire", le président américain Joe Biden a gracié son fils Hunter, reconnu coupable dans des affaires de détention illégale d'arme à feu et de fraude fisc
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Grande consommatrice d'eau, d'électricité et de minerais rares, l'intelligence artificielle est responsable de l'augmentation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, mais elle repré
À la veille de l'ouverture du sommet sur l’Intelligence artificielle à Paris, le journal de l’Afrique a reçu Moustapha Cissé. Mathématicien sénégalais, il a fait ses études en Fran
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Ils vivent depuis des années en France où le président américain Donald Trump est très impopulaire et où leurs opinions conservatrices sont loin d’être majoritaires. Refus de l’Éta
Le chef de la diplomatie italienne a exigé vendredi des excuses du ministre français de l'Intérieur Gérald Darmanin, dont les propos sur l'incapacité de Giorgia Meloni à gérer l'im