Diana dresses up for a ball. She wants to be a real princess. A little girl dresses a beautiful dress and dad does her hair. It remains 5 minutes to wait for the carriage. But Dian
Diana dresses up for a ball. She wants to be a real princess.
Diana's INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/kidsdianashow/
Subscribe to Kids Diana Show - http://bit.ly/2k7N
A collection of stories for children about Diana and Dad, who always play together fun and find adventure.
Diana's INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/kidsdianashow/
Diana and Roma play with a toy slide. But the wind blew and the toy broke. The children asked dad to buy a new slide with a toy bus. Diana and Roma play with New Hello Kitty Bus
Diana and Roma Pretend Cooking With Cute Kitchen toys. Children are playing in cafe. This is a pretend play cafe which has lots of delicious food! Diana's cafe just opened and her
Diana and Roma pretend play babysitting her cry baby dolls with nursery playset girl toys. Kids pretend play and create Funny stories for children.The best kids video
Diana Pretend Play Halloween trick or treating for candy haul. The little girl knocks on the door and says “Trick or Treat!”. Doors open hosts dressed in terrifying costumes. Diana
Diana and Roma pretend play ice cream shop with their Dad. Kids want ice cream but they have no money. Ice cream seller offers children a job.
Diana and Roma are also playing
Diana and Roma pretend to play with Multi-color building block for kids. This building blocks toys offers tremendous possibilities for children to develop skill, broaden imaginatio
Diana wanted to eat. Dad made breakfast for her. Roma turned the food into giant Inflatable toys. Diana and Roma pretend play with Giant food toy and swimming in the pool. Fun vide
Roma and Diana could not share the toys. The children were naughty. Mom helped the children agree among themselves. Roma, Diana and Mom pretend play with toys and playhouse for kid
Diana and Roma pretend play with cute Playhouse toy tent. The Play house was magical. For children he produced delicious presents. Funny video for kids
Instagram Diana: https:
Diana soiled her dress. But she has a toy sewing machine. A little girl sewed a new dress. Roma tore his favorite T-shirt. Diana promises to sew for brother a new T-shirt. But the
Diana and Roma visited the Mermaid Boutique in Dubai. The Sea Fairies turned Diana into the Little Mermaid Princess. Diana dresses in the Little Mermaid costume, does makeup and ha
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The incredible Shankar Mahadevan joins the Berklee Indian Ensemble in an exciting new version of “Dil Chahta Hai” featuring 112 artists from 21 countries. Presented by Berklee Indi
That kitchen is nearly finished but so many other things have been happening behind the scenes! I've been longing to redo the dining room so we can have a special place to share al
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Les hyènes forment la famille des hyénidés, des carnivores terrestres de grande taille. Bien que la hyène ressemble à un gros chien, elle n’appartient pas au sous-ordre Caniformia
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Après avoir sillonné le monde, le Japonais Yuichi Takasaka souhaite réaliser un rêve d’enfant : parvenir à photographier une aurore boréale au-dessus de l’océan Arctique. Après une
En quelques décennies, la conquête de l'espace a permis ainsi d'extraordinaires avancées technologiques.
Les astronautes américains ont marché sur la Lune, des télescopes et d