Diana has a toy horse. A little girl plays and does not want to share a toy with her brother. Parents bought for the boy a new toy horse - big and beautiful Pony! Now Roma does not
Diana soiled her dress. But she has a toy sewing machine. A little girl sewed a new dress. Roma tore his favorite T-shirt. Diana promises to sew for brother a new T-shirt. But the
Diana really wants to have pets. She turns her toy animals into real ones and feeds them. But soon the girl realizes that these animals are not pets.
Diana's INSTAGRAM https:/
Diana, Roma and their most fun series about kids jokes.
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Diana's INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/kidsdianashow/
There is a huge spider in Roma's room. Diana allowed her brother to live in her room. But Roma behaves unbearably, scatters things and is rude to the girl. Diana decides to get rid
Diana has a lot of different kinds of ice cream. She wants to taste all this ice cream. But as soon as Diana begins to eat, the ice cream disappears. Where does Diana's ice cream d
Diana and Roma visited the Mermaid Boutique in Dubai. The Sea Fairies turned Diana into the Little Mermaid Princess. Diana dresses in the Little Mermaid costume, does makeup and ha
Diana wants to jump on a trampoline, but she is small in stature. The girl comes up with different ways to be taller.
Diana's INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/kidsdianashow
Diana wants to play sports. Dad buys sportswear and equipment for various sports.
Diana's INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/kidsdianashow/
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Diana is going to a party and she needs shoes. Diana shoes mom's Shoes. It’s difficult for a little girl to go in heels and she breaks them. Mom explains to Diana that shoes are no
Diana and with her Mommy came to the toy store. Little girl is playing in the store and shopping kids toys. Funny video for kids and toddlers
Instagram Diana: https://www.inst
Roma wants to play with Diana, but she is sleeping soundly. Roma decides to make a joke on her. Diana and Roma pretend to play Baby tricks. Funny stories for kids.
Diana's INS
Diana and Roma often indulge as ordinary children. Dad teaches children the rules of behavior.
Diana's INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/kidsdianashow/
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Diana celebrates 10 Million Subscribers. On this day, all the wishes of a little girl will be fulfilled. Roma and Cartoons characters congratulate Diana and give her million Presen
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In the second edition of our new show "A World Confined" on the Covid-19 pandemic, FRANCE 24 brings you four reports from our correspondents around the globe.
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La Alcaldía de Washington decretó un toque de queda ante los graves sucesos y entregó detalles a la prensa sobre las acciones que se tomarán en las próximas horas.
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La jeune Sénégalaise étudiant à Paris et dont la disparition a mis son pays en émoi dit aller bien et avoir fait "une petite pause pour retrouver (ses) esprits", dans des échanges
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