It's been a tough 12 months for the airline industry, hit hard by the Covid-19 #pandemic. But there are also ongoing concerns about the environmental impact of air travel. Could el
It is hard for kids to wake up in the morning, "Are you sleeping" is a fun rhyme to get them up with interest. Children and adults love to get up with a nice inviting tune.
Organizaciones sociales rechazaron este martes 11 de noviembre la llegada a Argentina de una nueva misión del Fondo Monetario Internacional para renegociar los términos de una deud
En Argentina se destapó el escándalo llamado 'vacunación VIP', que llevó a renunciar al ministro de salud, después de conocerse que algunas personas de su entorno fueron vacunadas
Diego Maradona, widely regarded as one of the greatest football players of all time before drug and alcohol addiction marred his career, died in his native Argentina after sufferin
Anger across Armenia has crystallised in the last 24 hours in the wake of a Nagorno-Karabakh peace deal widely seen as a capitulation to Azerbaijan.
FRANCE 24's Luke Shrago, i
#Armenia's prime minister accused top military officers on Thursday of attempting a coup after they demanded he step down, adding fuel to months of protests calling for his resigna
Armenia and Azerbaijan agreed on a deal with Russia to end weeks of fierce clashes over Nagorno-Karabakh on Tuesday, after a string of Azerbaijani victories in its fight to retake
#Armenia's President Armen #Sarkissian spoke to FRANCE 24 from the capital #Yerevan, as the #conflict between Azerbaijani and Armenian forces over the disputed region of Nagorno-#K
A crowd of Armenian protesters forced their way into a government building in the capital #Yerevan on Monday to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol #Pashinyan, the RIA n
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"Nous n'avons pas été compris", a plaidé mercredi matin le Premier ministre, Jean Castex. Il a fallu que le président de la République lui-même fasse éclater son mécontentement pou
Una parte del continente europeo ha impuesto medidas tras un avance en los contagios por Covid-19. Francia, por ejemplo, anunció un confinamiento hasta mediados del mes de diciembr
El presidente de EE. UU., Joe Biden, tomó una serie de medidas para revertir varias políticas de su antecesor, Donald Trump, algunas de las cuales habían tensado la relación con Mé
Ha sido calificada como una esperanzadora opción para enfrentar el Covid-19. Los laboratorios Pfizer y BioNTech anunciaron que su candidata a vacuna contra el nuevo coronavirus tie
Así habló el 2020 sobre Soleimani, un extraño virus detectado en Wuhan, la salida de Reino Unido de la Unión Europea, el cierre de Italia por el Covid-19, el nuevo coronavirus decl
Así se vivió la Navidad de 2020 en Belén, Líbano, Francia, Australia, Rusia y Latinoamérica, en medio de restricciones, confinamientos, mascarillas y distanciamiento social.
The most satisfying ASMR cooking video you’ll ever see.
r Watch with sound (and headphones)!
For those of you who don’t know what ASMR is. It stands for Autono
A French court on Wednesday found guilty 14 accomplices of the French Islamist militants behind the January 2015 #attacks on the #Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine and a Jewish supe
France 24 takes a look at border openings, closures and quarantines across Europe. Today, James Andre was in Hendaye, South of France, near the border with Spain.
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FRANCE 24 takes a look at border openings, closures and quarantines across Europe. Today, Chris Moore was at the Franco-British border.
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Gunmen opened fire Monday on people enjoying a last evening out in Vienna before a coronavirus lockdown, in a terror attack that authorities said left at least three dead — includi
Two people died and at least eight people were missing in France and Italy after a storm hit border regions of the two countries, bringing record rainfall in places and causing hea
This Friday marks the fifth anniversary of the Paris terror attacks, in which 130 people were killed. The last few weeks have seen more bloodshed, with attacks in the Paris region,
Le parquet antiterroriste a ouvert une enquête pour "assassinat" et "tentative d'assassinat" après l’attaque au couteau près de l’église Notre-Dame de Nice, le matin du 29 octobre,
Deux jours après l’attaque sanglante à la voiture-bélier du marché de Noël de Magdebourg, qui a fait au moins cinq morts et plus de 200 blessés, le gouvernement allemand, accusé de
This is my first try attempting russian piping tips! I got a set as a present a while back and started noticing all the pretty cakes and cupcakes decorated using them. Buttercream
Le commandant en chef de l'armée libanaise, le général Joseph Aoun, a été élu jeudi président de la République, mettant fin à une vacance de plus de deux ans à la tête du pays, qui