IN THE PRESS – Tuesday, November 17, 2020: We look at a controversial French security bill that would punish people for publishing photos of police officers "with intent to harm".
Alors que le président de l'Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky était à New York pour l'Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies, la vidéo d'un écran publicitaire a priori sur Times Square est
Les divisions de l'Amérique sont "profondes": dans le premier tome de ses mémoires, #BarackObama raconte sa présidence et évoque les quatre années écoulées, soulignant combien le d
Smart tricks you must try to make your life easier
Do you want to learn some quick and easy life hacks that will save you a ton of time and effort? Just by tweak
Smart ideas and everyday life hacks only a genius could think of
Sometimes we come across little annoying problems, but we don’t know how to solve them. What we
The smartest gadgets only a genius engineer could think of (Testing viral gadgets we saw online)
Sometimes we don’t realize how annoying some of our problems are
Cool ideas with slime and other gadgets to help you relieve stress
Slime is one of the most relaxing things to play with when you’re feeling stressed and you wan
Adorable miniature ideas and crafts you can make today
When we see a tiny object, it triggers something in our brain that makes us find it unbelievably cute. It
We’ve tested the smartest gadgets that have ever existed, and here’s what happened.
We sometimes think that things are going smoothly in the kitchen and our dail
We’ve tried every 3D pen and hot glue craft we could imagine, and here’s what we created. Aren’t 3D pens just amazing? You can create anything you can think of, make it colorful an
On May 14th, Turkey will go to the polls in a pivotal presidential election that could extend President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's 20 years in power. But for many of those who lost hom
Ahmet Save Biricik's Life | Where is Love? Turkish Comedy Movie
Where İs Love | Turkish Full Movie (English Subtitles)
Now he brings the sudden love between a woman who want
Ahmet Save Biricik's Life | Where is Love? Turkish Comedy Movie
Now he brings the sudden love between a woman who wants to get married and start a family, but who could not fin
Hey, creative people! Do you like art and wish you could become a professional artist who can draw mouth-watering masterpieces?
Our new video is exactly for you,
My Chocolate Cake is beyond moist, you could LITERALLY leave it out on the counter for several days and it would still be luscious. This is the BEST chocolate cake recipe and garan
Amulet | Turkish Horror Full Movie (English Subtitles)
Subject of the Movie:
Celal, who wrote columns on women's-men's relations in a popular magazine, is a bit of a proble
It's been a tough 12 months for the airline industry, hit hard by the Covid-19 #pandemic. But there are also ongoing concerns about the environmental impact of air travel. Could el
A French court on Wednesday found guilty 14 accomplices of the French Islamist militants behind the January 2015 #attacks on the #Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine and a Jewish supe
Un procès hors-norme et un verdict pour l'Histoire. Le procès des attentats de Charlie Hebdo s'achève après 54 jours de débats, 3 mois d'audience interrompus à deux reprises pour c
Les autorités mauriciennes ont annoncé, jeudi, que des hydrocarbures s'écoulaient d'un vraquier échoué sur un récif depuis la fin juillet sur la côte sud-est de l'île, faisant crai
Le Hamas a dit vouloir négocier « un cessez-le-feu complet et total et non une trêve temporaire ». Des négociations se poursuivent par ailleurs en coulisses en vue d’une trêve.
Biricik And Ahmet's Troubling First Encounter | Where is Love? Turkish Comedy Movie
Where İs Love | Turkish Full Movie (English Subtitles)
Now he brings the sudden love betw
Biricik's Arch Enemy Getting Married | Where is Love? Turkish Comedy Movie
Where İs Love | Turkish Full Movie (English Subtitles)
Now he brings the sudden love between a wom
Le Royaume-Uni est entré dans un nouvelle ère jeudi 31 décembre après sa sortie du marché unique européen, un "moment incroyable" parachevant la rupture historique du Brexit, selon
After months of talks, negotiators from both sides of the #Brexit divide announced some movement on Monday on sticking points that are preventing an agreement on the future relatio
As France could be on course for its third national lockdown, calls have been rising for such measure to be implemented for “the most at risk”: the elder. The country recorded 26,0
Il y a dix ans, la Chine achevait la mise en service du plus grand, du plus cher, du plus puissant et du plus controversé barrage au monde : le barrage des Trois Gorges. Les chiffr
Chocolate Strawberry Cake
This is probably my favorite chocolate cake ever! It's one of those batters where