Le chef de la diplomatie française est arrivé, ce vendredi 3 janvier dans la matinée, à Damas où son homologue allemande doit le rejoindre, pour la première visite à ce niveau de r
Le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky a exhorté mercredi 8 février ses alliés occidentaux à lui fournir les "armes nécessaires" pour stopper l'invasion russe, lors d'une rencon
Après l’attentat du Crocus City Hall dans la banlieue de Moscou revendiqué par l'organisation État Islamique, le Kremlin accuse l'Occident et ses services secrets d'avoir facilité
Lors de son adresse à la Nation ce 21 février, le président russe a répété ses dogmes habituels : ceux d'un "régime néo-nazi" à Kiev, d'un "projet anti-russe de l'Occident" visant
We took a regular van and turned it into a cozy luxury camper van.
We’re always looking for a brand new project to inspire us, and since camper vans are all the rage right now,
We tested new Viral Tik Tok hacks, and this is what happened.
Ever since Tik-Tok came into our lives, it’s all we want to watch in our free time. At first, it wa
Big changes on our little farm; we're planting an apple orchard!! I wanted to give you a behind the scenes peak of what's happening as we close up the year and get ready for spring
We decided to test these weird beauty gadgets, and here’s what happened
Have you ever scrolled through social media, saw some bizarre beauty tools, and wondered
Watch more videos in our new App: https://5mc.onelink.me/5ckJ/4051877e
Making a treehouse from scratch using things everyone can easily find.
Ok folks, today we decided t
Forget soft power. It's all about hard bargains. Donald Trump is making good on his campaign promise of tariffs and is starting with his closest neighbours. We ask if it's all a bi
Yeşim And Emre's Preparations For The Wedding | A Letter From Heaven Turkish Romantic Movie
A Letter From Heaven (Kemdime İyi Bak) | Turkish Love Full Movie (English Subtitles)<
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الدحيح - إنت جامد
ياللي بقالكو كتير عايشين ع الكوكب اللطيف ده..
في كلمتين محشورين ف الزور، معلش نستحمل بعض ونقولهم..
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شوف الحلقة في الوقت اللي تحبه ما تضغطش نفسك
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الجانب المظلم للضحك
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سرحان عبد البصير يقرأ اتفاقيات جنيف
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لا تهلعوا ولكن احذروا!
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أكل العيش مُر
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Lab Rats: Why Modern Work Makes People Miserable, Dan Lyons
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بنلف في دواير والدنيا تلف بينا
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