La ville de Paris, souvent prisée pour les fêtes de fin d'années, bénéficie cette année d'un "effet Jeux olympiques" : elle enregistre 30% de touristes en plus par rapport à l'anné
Cool Decoration tricks and other incredible crafts to help you pass the time
Are you also stuck at home and have no idea what to do? Don’t worry, we’ve got you c
Azerbaijan will hold on to areas it recaptured in the latest conflict with Armenia as part of a total ceasefire brokered by Russia late on Monday. Russian peacekeepers will also be
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A 23 ans, Benash nous présente son premier album s
Separatist parties boosted their majority in Catalonia's regional parliament in an election on Sunday, more than three years after a failed bid to break away from Spain, partial re
Un rapport de Check First baptisé « Influence by Design » sorti mi-janvier montre comment une société russe, proche du Kremlin et ciblée par des sanctions internationales, a pu con
La Commission de la concurrence ainsi que 48 États et territoires américains s'en sont pris à Facebook dans deux plaintes distinctes, mercredi. Ils demandent à la justice d'éventue
A collection of stories for children about Diana and Dad, who always play together fun and find adventure.
A la Une de la presse, ce lundi 11 janvier, les appels à la démission de Donald Trump, après les violences de la semaine dernière au Capitole. La Chine aux premières loges des divi
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Facebook fête ses 20 ans. Fondé par Mark Zuckerberg, il a été précurseur dans la révolution numérique. Parfois considéré comme vieillissant, le réseau social attire toujours plus d
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The French government has vowed to ramp up its Covid-19 vaccinations after an outcry from health professionals. France has lagged far behind other nations, including the UK and Ger
In the United Arab Emirates, the possession and trafficking of wild animals have been officially banned since 2017. Yet every day on social media, Emirati citizens, particularly ro
More than 1,200 revellers were booked for breaking coronavirus restrictions as an illegal rave in northwestern France ended on Saturday after more than two days of partying that sa
Wow, we're totally not free as individuals.
Anyway buy some gfuel: 30% off code PEWDIEPIE
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Presenting lyrical video of the song "Kabootar" from the Bollywood movie 'BITTOO BOSS' featuring Pulkit Samrat, Amita Pathak, Rajendra Sethi, and Mohan Kapoor. The song is sung by
Enjoy the lyrical video of the remix version of 'Boond Boond' from Bhushan Kumar's "Roy", a T-Series Film, Directed by Vikramjit Singh, Produced by Divya Khosla Kumar, Bhushan Kuma
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With established media under ever greater pressure, the story of #Myanmar's anti-coup protests is being shaped for its people and the world by journalists and citizens #streaming a
À l'approche de l'élection présidentielle ougandaise qui se tient le 14 janvier, Facebook a fermé ces derniers jours les comptes de plusieurs responsables gouvernementaux ougandais
?✨ Welcome to the ultimate rainbow experience! In this vibrant video, we’re diving into a world of creativity with our amazing hacks and crafts that will color your day! Whether yo
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Mommy is the best person to make you feel better when you have a boo boo! Roma and Diana also learned to help each other when they have boo boo!
Diana's INSTAGRAM https://www.
Daddy is the best person to make you feel better when you have a boo boo! Nastya also learned to help each other when they have boo boo!