As it embarks on its final week, the Biden administration has announced sweeping new rules to control the export of US-made advanced AI chips. The new curbs are not just aimed at C
In what would be the most ambitious #US effort ever to stave off the worst effects of #climate change, President Joe #Biden is aiming to cut oil, gas and coal emissions and double
De nombreux dirigeants à travers le monde ont félicité samedi Joe Biden, élu président des Etats-Unis, tournant la page Donald Trump. Le point sur les réactions au Brésil avec Pier
Joe Biden a été élu président des Etats-Unis, l'emportant face à Donald Trump et mettant fin à une séquence politique inédite qui a secoué l'Amérique et le monde.
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Joe Biden has been inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States of America. Already reporters are remarking on a change of tone from the White House towards the media and
In tonight's edution: The US steps into a new era with the inauguration of Joe Biden. Washington will be resetting its international relations as it leaves the unilateralism of the
Première journée de présidence pour Joe Biden. L’arrivée du nouveau locataire de la Maison Blanche a suscité l’enthousiasme des alliés traditionnels des États-Unis, saluant à l’uni
President Joe Biden is moved swiftly to dismantle Donald Trump’s legacy on his first day in office, signing a series of executive actions that reverse course on immigration, climat
US President-elect Joe Biden warned Saturday of “devastating consequences” if President Donald Trump continues to delay signing a Covid-19 economic relief bill passed by Congress.<
Europe in eight days. For his first foreign tour as US president, Joe Biden storming the beaches of Cornwall Thursday in the company of his host Boris Johnson and their respective
La Biélorussie "prête" déjà son territoire à l’offensive que mène depuis l’année dernière l’armée russe en Ukraine. Le pays vient de franchir un pas supplémentaire en accueillant d
Alors que le CES, la grand-messe des nouvelles technologies vient de fermer ses portes à Las Vegas, aux Etats-Unis, un constat s'impose : cette édition était un succès et l'IA étai
L'arrêt temporaire des usines de production en Asie lors du premier confinement, couplé à une forte demande internationale laissent craindre une pénurie globale de bicyclettes en 2
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Big Ed Returns With More Cringe Xd
Presenting the full audio of the song "BIKHAR GAYA" the film 'Yaara". Yaara, a ZEE5 Original, is an epic tale of a friendship that has endured many highs and lows. But can it pass
Presenting the lyrical video of the song "BIKHAR GAYA" the film 'Yaara". Yaara, a ZEE5 Original, is an epic tale of a friendship that has endured many highs and lows. But can it pa
Listen to “WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?”, out now:
Billie Eilish - bitches broken hearts (Official Live Performance) |
Listen to "when the party's over" from the debut album “WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?”, out now:
Billie Eilish - when the party’s over
It is not just Elon Musk. Be they cabinet picks, ambassadors or advisors, Donald Trump’s roster of nominees is stacked with a record number of billionaires. What does that say abou
Presenting the behind the scenes of the song ""Billo Tu Agg". This latest track starring Catarina Paula & Sara Santiago, and is sung by Singhsta featuring Yo Yo Honey Singh, also
Gulshan Kumar and T-Series presents Bhushan Kumar's "Billo Tu Agg". This latest track starring Catarina Paula & Sara Santiago, and is sung by Singhsta featuring Yo Yo Honey Singh,
Gulshan Kumar and T-Series presents Bhushan Kumar's "Billo Tu Agg" Lyrical. This latest track starring Catarina Paula & Sara Santiago, and is sung by Singhsta featuring Yo Yo Hone
Gulshan Kumar and T-Series presents Bhushan Kumar's "Billo Tu Agg". This latest track starring Catarina Paula & Sara Santiago, and is sung by Singhsta featuring Yo Yo Honey Singh,
Presenting the teaser of the song Billo Tu Agg, by Singhsta Featuring Yo Yo Honey Singh. The full song is releasing on 17th August 2020. Enjoy and stay connected with us.
Presenting the teaser of the song Billo Tu Agg, by Singhsta Featuring Yo Yo Honey Singh. The full song is releasing Releasing 17 August. Enjoy and stay connected with us.
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Where İs Love | Turkish Full Movie (English Subtitles)
Now he brings the sudden love betw