Fuyant la terreur de son pays pour l'Europe, Muhamad, un Somalien de 25 ans, traverse la Libye en 2017 et tombe aux mains de passeurs-prédateurs. Torturé, insulté et harcelé pendan
Presenting the ‘Dhakk Dhakk Dharti’ – an anthem to celebrate biodiversity on World Environment Day 2020.
Hungama and Bhamla Foundation launch ‘Dhakk Dhakk Dharti’ – an anthem
Over the weekend, Diana and Roma, together with her dad, have fun in the 3D Trick Art Museum. Family Fun Diana and Roma.
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Diana, Roma and their dad had a family fun playtime with indoor Playground Play Area for kids!
Diana's INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/kidsdianashow/
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Children and their dad play active children's outdoor games. Family fun games for kids.
Diana's INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/kidsdianashow/
Subscribe to Kids Diana
Kids playing in cafe. Diana cook, and Roma a visitor. Diana prepares food for the boy, but he does not like all the dishes. Family fun video with kids toys
Instagram: https://
Diana and Roma went with their Dad on a family trip to a sheep farm. Kids pretend play hide and seek with Dad. Funny video for children about the inattentive and sleepy dad, who lo
Diana pretend play Professions for kids. Great Indoor Play Area with lots of Children Activities and fun kids toys! Diana's family had fun playing with learning toys and pretend fo
Il est des étoiles qui s'éclipsent sans qu'on s'en aperçoive. C'est très loin d'être le cas pour Diego Maradona, si l'on en juge les réactions depuis l'annonce de sa mort mercredi.
The incredible Shankar Mahadevan joins the Berklee Indian Ensemble in an exciting new version of “Dil Chahta Hai” featuring 112 artists from 21 countries. Presented by Berklee Indi
That kitchen is nearly finished but so many other things have been happening behind the scenes! I've been longing to redo the dining room so we can have a special place to share al
DIY Chocolate Easter Cake
Since I'm part Greek we celebrated Greek Easter with my grandparents and had a delicious traditional meal complete with a whole red easter egg cracking
DIY Potato Bites
My mom used to make an "Irish" dinner every few weeks when I was growing up. In our house it was one of those popular with the family dinners like pizza night.
Le léopard est une espèce de félins de la sous-famille des panthérinés. Ce félin présente un pelage fauve tacheté de rosettes ; une forme mélanique existe également. Excellent grim
Les hyènes forment la famille des hyénidés, des carnivores terrestres de grande taille. Bien que la hyène ressemble à un gros chien, elle n’appartient pas au sous-ordre Caniformia
Photographe, journaliste scientifique et astronome amateur, l’Iranien Babak Amin Tafreshi a reçu en 2009 le Lennart Nilsson Award, prix international le plus prestigieux en matière
Passionné d’astronomie depuis l’enfance, le photographe allemand Bernd Pröschold quitte la région de Cologne pour atteindre l’extrême nord du Danemark, où se trouve la plus grande
Does Everyone Cheat (Herkes Mi Aldatır) | Turkish Full Movie (English Subtitles)
Subject of the Movie:
Built: 2010 - Turkey
Genre: Comedy
Duration: 98 Min.
"Don't go f*cking with my fantasies," demands Donna Missal in her majestically distraught "Keep Lying." When she makes a request like that, her passion hits hard, like a bomb dropp
"Don't go f*cking with my fantasies," demands Donna Missal in her majestically distraught "Keep Lying." When she makes a request like that, her passion hits hard, like a bomb dropp
Le double attentat suicide de Bagdad revendiqué par le groupe Etat islamique (EI) a mis en lumière des lacunes au sein des forces de sécurité irakiennes, affaiblies par la pandémie
Some 200 #children of French #jihadists are spending their fourth winter in muddy tents at al-Roj camp in northeastern #Syria, where dozens of arrested Europeans have been grouped
Aunque la mayoría de lugares del mundo han optado por cerrar sus fronteras a los viajes no esenciales por la pandemia de Covid-19, ese no es el caso de Dubái, que depende en gran m
Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced the resignation of his government on Friday, accepting responsibility for years of mismanagement of childcare subsidies, which wrongfully drove
You are going to love this super-quick and easy chocolate fudge recipe! It’s perfect for sharing or a quick treat for the family! You can mix in your favorite ingredients like toas
Camiones blindados y cientos de militares en las fronteras peruanas y ecuatorianas, este es el panorama que encuentran hoy los migrantes, la mayoría de origen venezolano, que circu
Junto a Edgar Ortiz, experto en riesgo político y derecho constitucional, analizamos el perfil de las personas que votan a Nayib Bukele y el porqué de su éxito aplastante que deja
Le patron du groupe paramilitaire russe Wagner, Evguéni Prigojine, figure sur la liste des passagers d'un avion privé qui s'est écrasé dans la région de Tver, au nord de Moscou, tu